Like nefarious screen villains, the bankers "had a simple plan: to remake America to serve them."
The One-Minute Organizer offers a simple plan to help you unclutter and organize your life… one minute at a time.
What begins as a simple plan—"in and out in seven minutes"—quickly escalates into a dangerous game of life or death.
What begins as a simple plan - "in and out in seven minutes" -quickly escalates into a dangerous game of life or death.
What begins as a simple plan - "in and out in seven minutes" -quickly escalates into a dangerous game of life or death.
Instead of trying to build the 100 bells and whistles that this asset could have we come up with a simple plan to evolve it over several iterations.
Rencently, i would really want to learn english for communication, that's different from examination. i already have a simple plan for learning english.
Without a clear business plan in mind, she started off in her dormitory by building a simple Web page with her profile on it.
Because you're at the core of this plan and not some form that you fill in and try to constrain your life to match, this plan can easily grow and change with you with just a few simple steps.
Komanoff's plan is vastly more sophisticated than a simple bridge toll. Instead of merely punishing drivers, he has built a delicate system of incentives and revenue streams.
Moonchildren may plan a simple wedding and honeymoon in order to feather a nest or home of their own.
A simple startup plan includes a summary, mission statement, keys to success, market analysis, and break-even analysis.
But the more I talked about my simple plan, first on stage and later via a dedicated website (, the more complicated it became. Advice appeared on the site.
Follow these steps to see how to create a simple test plan by using the default test plan configuration.
The example in Listing 1 illustrates a simple Geronimo deployment plan.
To secure exclusive rights to the iPhone, it acceded to Apple’s demand that the device come with a simple, flat-rate plan.
The document also provides simple tools for preparing a stakeholder engagement plan, and a list of suggested reading on the topic. ( Engaging Stakeholders for Retooling TB Control)
Listing 1 illustrates a simple Geronimo deployment plan.
Naughton's plan was simple: maintain a caloric intake of 2000 calories per day while eating only fast food (and a couple of "Carb Options" snack bars.)
As a simple example, the following graph (produced by db2exfmt) shows the access plan for an "Insert into Test1 values (?,?,...)".
作为一个简单的例子,下面的图由db 2 exfmt产生展示了“Insertinto test1 values?”语句的访问计划。
As simple as it seemed, sticking to a time-off plan stressed me out at first.
They have a simple pricing plan: $54.95 for a year of unlimited storage from a single computer.
I know I would be perfectly happy in a tiny house living a simple life with just the cat, a laptop, my iPhone and a few books - but I don't plan on going that extreme yet.
So American Airlines announced a new "value pricing" plan, which entailed cutting fares while replacing complex discounts with a simple, four-tier price system.
The site is simple with no graphics except the logo of Paula's DBA "Plan B" and a few check marks marking her main specialties.
The plan was to create a "simple and elegant solution" for a highly flexible assembly space.
The reason is simple: you must have a plan and stick to it, or else every decision you make will be emotional, not rational.
I always think that to look beautiful the gable should has a simple straight line. That's why a simple and rectilinear plan is needed.
After Athena's death, and in my search to help it all make sense, I put together a personal action plan that followed six simple steps.
With simple, elegant design, and a pricing plan comparable to Basecamp and other competitors, this new SaaS offering should capture a devoted following in no time.