At some point, you will cut the magnet so small that you will have cut down to the size of a single atom.
At some point you will cut the magnet so small that you will have cut down to the size of a single atom.
On 32-bit systems, the default address-space model is that it USES a single segment for user and stack data with a maximum aggregate size close to 256 MB.
Depending on the size of the aircraft, the burning of fuel during a single flight produces between 8-50kg of nitrogen oxide as well as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulphur oxide.
根据飞机大小的不同,单程航线燃烧的燃料产生8 - 50千克的氮氧化物,以及二氧化碳、一氧化碳和硫氧化物。
Since building a dish that size is impossible, the SKA plans to use around 50,000 smaller receivers networked together into a single monstrous machine.
Since building a dish that size is impossible, the SKA plans to use around 50, 000 smaller receivers networked together into a single monstrous machine.
SimplyIcon creates a single icon (largest size possible depending on original file size) with the same name as the original.
If it's a single value (for example, an upper bound on a shoe size, or the maximum number of monkeys that can fit in a barrel), leave the constant as it is.
You can also easily create multiple volumes in a single request by providing a name (which is postfixed with an index), the location, the size, and the format.
Due to the large amount of data in the audit log table, a single INSERT statement will usually fail because the data per transaction exceeds the log file size of the database system.
This level is achieved by grouping 2 or more hard disks into a single unit with the total size equaling that of all disks used.
This gives you the ability to choose any page size you want, and still maintain a single buffer pool and uniform page size across the database.
DB2 V9 introduced a table partitioning feature that can increase the potential size of a single table, and significantly reduce the maintenance effort required to manage very large databases.
DB 2V 9引入了一个表分区特性,它能够增加一个表的可能大小,同时能够显著减少管理大型数据库所需要的维护。
Storage management with a single point for administration automation and a uniform page size for the database.
By the end of the year, consumers are likely to see laptops the size of thin paperback books that can run all day on a single charge and are equipped with touch screens or slide-out keyboards.
A single match will be sufficient to light up a room the size of a football stadium.
If you use a single page size for relational and XML data, or for data and indexes, a 32kb page size may be beneficial for XML data but somewhat detrimental for relational data and index access.
This level is achieved by grouping 2 or more hard disks into a single unit with the total size equaling that of the smallest of disks used.
The text has a specific formatting, such as font, font size, and spacing, so that it can sit on the background image and give an impression of a single image.
Currently, persistent storage blocks are limited to a 2tb maximum size and a single persistent storage unit can only be attached to one virtual instance at a time.
Service provides must choose whether to provide multiple interfaces for multiple clients — which is hard to develop and maintain — or to provide a single 'one-size-fits-all' compromise interface.
If the XML documents are significantly smaller than the selected page size, no space will be wasted since multiple small documents can be stored on a single page.
While the individual certified file size is 64gb, development tests run with 50,000 + databases on a single server.
Pagination is the process of breaking a single page into multiple pages in order to fit the page size within acceptable limits of the device buffer.
I guess I'd have some qualms, too, about buying into a closed system owned by a single, modest-size company.
To digest a carbohydrate, your body needs to break each carbohydrate down into single sugar molecules, since this is the required size for sugar to be transported into the bloodstream.
Even so, that rate is impressive for a single threaded application given the comparative size of the document being exchanged.
The WPF lets you to divide your caches logically across multiple JVMs so that you are not limited by the size of a single heap.
He isn't much to look at: a blue jay-size fellow with plain, olive-drab feathers and a single streak of orange on his head.
An example of a RAID configuration would be to take two hard disks, each 80gb in size, and RAID them into a single unit 160gb in size.