Only a small amount of the rainwater actually infiltrates into the soil.
A small amount is sold to Europe.
Should a woman who possessed a small amount of drugs years ago be permanently unable to be licensed as a nurse?
This is a small amount of both the time and cost to need to build a similar construction using traditional methods.
Since a small amount of fat is needed in one's diet, you can retain one yolk in any dish you're preparing a couple of times per week.
Some people hold the wrong idea that donating blood does harm to the donor's health, but the truth is that when a small amount of blood is taken out, the body will make a quick adjustment to it.
I have to pay a small amount of deductible, but it is still a lot less than I would have to pay to fix the car myself.
Health experts say ingesting a small amount of melamine poses no danger, but in larger doses, it can cause kidney stones and lead to kidney failure.
The birds will be encouraged to clean the park through the use of a small box that delivers a small amount of bird food each time the rook deposits a cigaret and/or a small piece of rubbish.
I needed a small amount of money so I took my old violin to a hockshop.
"We started off with a small amount of users (below 50)," they said.
You can use a timer and move the 3d objects by a small amount each time.
That means there is an ever larger amount of money chasing a small amount of shares.
A small amount of prevention will save you later work and embarrassing memory leaks.
What was termed a small amount of radioactive iodine had, indeed, been released.
The new air conditioner is getting into the air, a small amount of CFCs has been sealed.
That’s assuming that there’s a very limited pool of readers with a small amount of attention.
That's assuming that there's a very limited pool of readers with a small amount of attention.
Ideally, this is a small amount of code and thus it is easy to identify the unspecified features.
After studying the symmetry of the boxplot, there is a small amount of right skew in our dataset.
On most sites, question answers are only spending a small amount of time answering questions.
The small footprint is extremely important, as most embedded systems have a small amount of memory.
This is simply false. If we only used such a small amount, we would be little more than comatose.
If they insist on a percentage for a small amount of cash, take a long hard look at their track record.
She says even a small amount of the maize could cause problems if it mixes with corn used to make food.
Now, ethanol is made with corn cobs, which are just a small amount of the corn plant’s total biomass.
Because you're dealing with a small amount of data for each record, this kind of query scales pretty well.
While it does require a small amount of fuel to start the engine, you actually save more fuel if you coast.
The dictionary is stored in the table itself, implying a small amount of overhead (approximately 74kb).
With a small amount of instance data to analyze, your drill-up and drill-down requests will be very responsive.