So Tulsky’s teamdeveloped a software program to streamline the path to empathy.
Also, a software program itself is often divided into several loosely coupled modules.
It's often the case that a software program starts small and is designed to serve a particular need.
Data from road weather systems requires a software program to manage, view, and store the data.
The company employs a software program that lets it see the data it gets in two-dimensional matrices.
The ad for a software program caught my eye. It said, "Write better in 30 days or your money back. ""
有一则计算机软件的广告引起了我的注意。它说: :“要是30天之内不能提高你的写作能力,就将原款退还。”
In load test, multiple users access the program concurrently to simulate the expected usage of a software program.
Two kinds of things can be altered in a software program-the code itself and the data that the code interacts with.
Awesome duplicate photo Finder is a software program designed to scan a designated folder for duplicate photos.
AwesomeDuplicatePhoto Finder这款软件可以帮助我们扫描制定文件夹下的重复图片。
The method is part of a routine which is stored along with a software program on a hard drive of a computer system.
Mark built a software program that allowed the computers in the house and the office to send messages to one another.
An alias applied to a software program will allow it to be opened via different names or ICONS in different Windows.
Back then I was an avid golfer, so I had my staff write a software program that let individuals compute their golf handicap.
And just as code duplication can make a software program more difficult to maintain, so too does duplicate code in build scripts.
A load test models the expected usage of a software program by simulating multiple users who access the program at the same time.
Finally, it would need to accomplish all of these tasks under the control of a software program running the microcontroller chip.
A CAM system is a software program that runs on a computer (commonly a PC) that helps the CNC programmer with the programming process.
CAM系统是一种运行在计算机(通常是个人计逄 机)上的帮助CNC编程人员编程的编程软件。
If you use iTunes, you should install a software program that scans your music library and automatically adds the lyrics to your MP3 files.
你若使用iTunes,则应安装一款程序,能够浏览你的音乐库,然后自动将歌词添加到你的MP 3文件中。
In other words, a software program that is limited in scope but easy to use is generally better than one that is more comprehensive but harder to use.
For Internet services, the load balancer is usually a software program which is listening on the port where external clients connect to access services.
In addition, Quidsi developed a software program, called Boxem, that calculates the best sized box for any individual order, saving on shipping and other costs.
We go online to buy something and a "Web bug," a software program that monitors our purchases, develops a profile of our buying habits that is sold to businesses.
Backdoor is a software program that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a machine and the means for remotely controlling the machine without the user's knowledge.
USB Vault is a software program with a pretty self-explanatory name - it lets you password-protect your USB flash drives, in order to prevent unauthorized users from accessing its contents.
We developed a program that sends out billions of software ants to find out where the pheromone trails are strongest for our truck routes.
Just because a TV program or computer software is not designated as "educational" does not mean that it offers no potential for learning.
A hypervisor is a software virtualization program that provides a layer of abstraction between operating systems and physical resources on a machine.
A software engineering domain is a field of study that defines a set of common requirements, terminology, and functionality for any software program constructed to solve a problem in that field.
A software emulator is not running your program on a virtual machine — it's running it on the fly without a virtual machine.
A software emulator is not running your program on a virtual machine — it's running it on the fly without a virtual machine.