I wrote a song for you, I don't know if you'll listen to, But if you do.
Well, I hope I can play a song for you next time. Nice talking to you, Josh.
For every new word you learn in your English lesson, every problem you solve in maths, every new song you learn to sing, a neuronal network grows in your brain and the brain changes.
For now, to avoid this error, you need to remove references to a song manually before deleting it.
This is a great song to get you pumped up for a big run or race.
Do you brush your teeth (you should be), listen to a bit of some favorite song, or stretch for a few minutes before bed?
When you're home, the house takes care of you by playing your favorite song whenever you walk in or instantaneously dimming the lights for a movie.
You can't help but start moving when you hear this song. If you're looking for a challenge, try keeping up with it -- it's incredibly fast!
You can listen to a song five full times before having to pay for it, and a premium account without the ads and unlimited streaming ability is only five bucks a month.
Maybe you will remember a song called“Wired for Sound”, that celebrated the Sony Walkman?
This fun song has a pretty quick beat for your faster runs. Give it a try and see if you can keep up with it.
For instance, will only one of you put this on your album or are you creating a song to shop to a third party band or artist.
Imagine, for the first time in your life, you just heard the sound of a guitar being played as part of a pop song.
C: My fellow Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again perhaps for a very long time. I would like to sing for you now, a love song.
A wedding and movie classic, this great song about finding love says it best: "I've been searching a long time for someone exactly like you."
True to form, you want to store some songs in this database, with fields for song title, artist name, and album name. To create a document, follow this pattern.
In Minneapolis for instance, he did a concert there and he saw me back stage and received me very beautifully, 'Oh Suzanne, you gave me a beautiful song.'
You now have the chance to use your favorite song as a ringtone for your phone.
You can make this picnic even more beautiful by singing a romantic song for your loved ones.
You see, WorldSings isn't just another social network - it's the site for a new annual contest in search of the "World's Best Song," an online competition offering $1,000,000 in prizes.
Chen Qigang, music director of the Olympic opening ceremony, was recently awarded a car for writing and composing the theme song for the Beijing Olympic Games "You and me."
Do small, practical, caring things for yourself: Listen to a song that helps you grieve, schedule a play date with your best friend, wrap a soft blanket around yourself and let the tears come.
Do small, practical, caring things for yourself: Listen to a song that helps you grieve, schedule a play date with your best friend, wrap a soft blanket around yourself and let the tears come.