Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked.
At least 16 babies were seized by family planning officials from 1999 to 2006 in Hunan Province; parents say the babies were used as a source of revenue.
位于中国南部省份湖南的隆回县遍布着贫穷衰弱的村落,据当地孩子们的父母和爷爷奶奶在上个月接受采访时所述,在1999年至2006底期间,在隆回有至少16 名孩子被计生官员拐走,袁新泉的女儿只是其中之一。
With potential applications ranging from city planning to marketing, such studies could also provide a new source of revenue for the cell phone companies.
For Reuters, the deal is an opportunity to tap a new source of revenue for its news and get some marketing by putting its brand on part of the newspaper.
Phone manufacturers love the special headphones because replacements are a source of high-profit incremental revenue.
The tourism industry can be a major source of revenue for a country and in some cases, it can even be its main source or revenue.
Online video providers such as Youku have also started pay-per-view for some movies, thus giving them a new source of revenue.
For banks, the relationships are a golden marketing opportunity. For colleges, they are a revenue source at a time of declining public funding.
It took Google a while to come up with a way of making money, but it found one in advertising, its main source of revenue.
The stakes are high: the City of London is a huge source of tax revenue for Britain (though not as big as it once was).
But an empty hospital bed is a revenue loss, and asthma is Children's hospital's leading source of admissions.
Like other browsers, RockMelt will be free, and like the popular open-source browser Firefox, it plans to make money by earning a share of the revenue from Web searches conducted by its users.
Some users see a large number of followers as a great marketing tool; one that can potentially provide an enormous source of revenue.
And when you see something that's merely reacting to new technology in an attempt to preserve some existing source of revenue, you're probably looking at a loser.
From a gaming point of view, he may have stumbled upon a badly needed new source of revenue.
Depending on your market segment, brand, and especially your location, walk-in sales can represent a significant source of additional revenue.
That raises the question if these new widgets could become a source of advertising revenue for content producers.
"It would take them a relatively long time to find a new source of sustainable revenue," he added.
Flurry's analysis revealed that, during 2010, there has been a shift away from advertising to virtual good sales as the major source of revenue for apps in these two categories.
International trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a world power.
The service is the leading destination for on-demand music but a small source of revenue.
For this to become a major source of revenue, more consumers would have to follow corporate accounts and view their pages on WeChat.
Right now, Africa suffers from a severe shortage of electric power, and too many countries rely on oil as virtually their only source of revenue.
Right now, Africa suffers from a severe shortage of electric power, and too many countries rely on oil as virtually their only source of revenue.