It also works with any character number, so you can use a special character as a marker.
A QName USES the colon (:) as a special character to separate the prefix from the local part.
“There’s a special character in my own language in my name which makes my name Richard,” he said.
“There’s a special character in my own language in my name which makes my name Richard, ” he said.
Since "space" is a special character, the following sample safely encodes the space in the URL request.
A special character, for example tabstop or paragraph break that is normally hidden and cannot be printed, but which can optionally be displayed.
This gives the show a special character, and the ambience of the holiday destination has an impact on everything to do with, and at, the OutDoor.
Registration of real rights in ships, which is of great significance for the change of real rights in ship, is a special character of ship as chattel.
You can use an escape character to display a special character in user-interface elements that would normally interpret them differently, such as menu items.
DIMA is a special character shown in the development of senior secondary school students. It's a frequently used term in the study field of elementary education.
Stan is a special character. The first time I met him was when I was introducing him on to the pitch one half-time. He was in his 70s then and delighted to be back at the Bridge.
Successful quality education is an educational notion of Wuhan Science and Technology University, Zhongnan Branch and a special character which differs from other institutions of higher education.
Notable, too, were the Gaucho's special features of character—indifference to material possessions combined with a natural warmth and friendliness.
If a section has a dash or special character in it, the word is probably too long.
Notablel, too were the Gaocho's special features of character—indifference to material possessions combined with a warmth and friendness.
In most cases, repositories will give an escape character or sequence for these types of special values, and if a value can be escaped by the connector, then it should be.
Such a hierarchy may be expressed through special character sequences or indentation.
To avoid misunderstanding, let me state again that imposing an encoding is not a solution because, as explained above, it is always possible to escape special characters to character entities.
A man of character finds a special attractiveness in difficulty, since it is only by coming to grips with difficulty that he can realise his potentialities.
Literals: Any character that doesn't have special meaning within an expression is considered a literal and matches itself.
The search uses a special target pattern (namely: \%column_numv.*\S) to locate the closest preceding line that has a non-whitespace character (\S) at or after (.*) the cursor column (\%column_numv).
搜索使用了一个特殊的目标模式(即 \%column_numv.*\S)来查找最近的一个行,这个行在游标所处的这一列(\%column_numv)或后一列(.*)应当具有一个非空字符(\S)。
The only special character that has given me a problem is the ampersand, so I have restricted my translation to that one character rather than use a shotgun htmlentities() function approach.
惟一为我带来问题的一个特殊字符是 and符号,所以我只需处理该字符而没有采用htmlentities()函数的方式。
As you can see in Listing 1, which is a hunk of the XHTML 1.0 Special Characters declaration, the named entities are replaced by character entities.
如清单1(它是一块XHTML 1.0Special Characters声明)所示,命名实体由字符实体替代。
Each of us has a special dream character, a type of person whose appearance in our dreams makes us feel happier when we awake.
A special piece of software called an input method converts each key sequence into a single character or a series of characters.
The key caps may be printed differently, and the keyboard driver may encode a few more special cases, but the model is the same: Press a key to type a specific character.
A percent sign (%) is translated to a newline, so if you want a % or any other special character, precede it with a backslash (\).
Some featured special promotions like a discount coupon scheme or a free gift offer or an association with a favourite character like a Wallace and Gromit campaign.
Or, here's another example: "A friend is someone you have a special relationship with, it's not someone who asks which Harry Potter character you are."
Or, here's another example: "A friend is someone you have a special relationship with, it's not someone who asks which Harry Potter character you are."