Space itself is also actually curved, even though we can't see this with our eyes on a starry night.
Pools are conveniently south-facing, which means that on a starry night you can spot the Southern Cross and other constellations while soaking in the tub.
To remind yourself of that, keep a picture in your office-the earth taken from space, a starry night or the ocean-and look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed.
To remind yourself of that, keep a picture in your office—the earth taken from space, a starry night or the ocean—and look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed.
在办公桌上放一张图片,比如从太空拍摄的地球,满天繁星的夜空或者波涛汹涌的大海。 当你感觉压力过大时,看看图片。
And that makes sense: ultimately, art is about our emotional reaction to a Starry Night or a Girl With a Pearl Earring. But to a computer it's all just brushstrokes.
You needn’t have a clear view of the sky toexperience the starry night.
Well-known artists responded the way Vincent Van Gogh would probably have done if a collector back in 1889 had asked for Van Gogh's fingerprints on the back of "Starry Night."
Night after night, he gazed through his telescope and wrote down everything he ovserved. Then he published his observations in a book which he called The Starry Mmessenger.
On a clear, starry night you could see thousands of stars shining and dancing on the water below.
Starry Starry Night is a tender, heartfelt treat about the end of childhood and the loss of innocence and a flight of fancy well worth taking.
Starry Night is the premier astronomy software package on the market, putting more power and knowledge in your hands than even the world's pre-eminent astronomers had just a few years ago.
We can meet with the Eagle Nebula or M16 in the constellation Serpens is a window in the middle of the starry night.
Then, as night fell, the Milky Way appeared with pinpoint clarity in a starry sky that revealed constellations he had never seen before.
In hot summer night, sleep on the table with a straw mat. However you cannot see the starry sky.
In 2005, Lake Tekapo handed in an application to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to make its starry night sky a listed world heritage site.
After the Dutch impressionist painter van gogh was probed deeply fascinated, handed down a masterpiece "the starry night still affects many artists."
After the Dutch impressionist painter van gogh was probed deeply fascinated, handed down a masterpiece "the starry night still affects many artists."