Such a state of affairs , if allowed to remain unchanged , would dampen farmer's enthusiasm.
Such a state of affairs , if it were allowed to remain unchanged , would dampen farmer's enthusiasm.
Such a state of affairs , if ( it is )allowed to remain unchanged , would dampen farmer's enthusiasm.
Our black people have often been treated as second-class citizens; this is a state of affairs that must be clearly set to rights.
So here, in a state of affairs being disclosed publicly for the first time, is the fact: Weschler was the winning bidder in both years.
What is desired or preferred is usually not a sensation but is, rather, a state of affairs, such as having a friend or accomplishing a goal.
QGIS handles all three — raster, vector, and database — a state of affairs that took considerable effort for programmers writing GIS data programming libraries.
QGIS handles all three - raster, vector, and database - a state of affairs that took considerable effort for programmers writing GIS data programming libraries.
China is running out of children to look after the elderly, a state of affairs often summed up by the formula "4-2-1" : four grandparents, two parents, one child.
Our results should be a good approximation to the true state of affairs.
This state of affairs lasted without intermission for a hundred years.
Instead, declining grades only predicted worse stress hormones among students who believed that worsening grades were a permanent and hopeless state of affairs.
Randall Schriver is a former deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs.
I'd much rather be a lady, able to own a fine house and not worry about kingship or other such affairs of state.
The affairs of a country should be handled by its own people, no country should be allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of any other sovereign state on whatever excuses.
On Friday, Thaci announced a new office of inter-communal affairs to guarantee rights of minorities in the new state.
Violet Bonham Carter, daughter of H. H. Asquith, a British prime minister, told Winston Churchill that her father had talked to her about affairs of state as a child.
But since then, he has thrown his weight around over cabinet appointments, budgetary matters and affairs of state (he recently demanded to meet Barack Obama on a forthcoming visit to Washington).
We expect this confusing state of affairs will be resolved soon, perhaps with a merger of the SOAP packages.
我们希望,这种令人迷惑的情况能很快得到解决,解决的办法可能就是合并SOAP 包。
This sorry state of affairs could last a long time; the economy has coordinated onto and, thus, settled into, a bad equilibrium.
With proper regulation, a kidney market would be a big improvement on the current, sorry state of affairs.
The result is that, in many cases, there is a net financial outflow from poorer to richer countries - an alarming state of affairs.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Daniel Fried used an appearance before a congressional panel Thursday to appeal to both countries for restraint.
And I think that is a pretty sad commentary on the state of affairs over at the White House lately.
That's why I'd like to state unequivocally that the United States welcomes the rise of a prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.
Although a little wistful, Grandpa didn't seem overly upset by this state of affairs.
"Affairs of state leave me no time for lengthy dissertations", he said. "Could you put the essence of religion into a paragraph or two for a busy man like me"?
Medvedev had earlier planned a state visit to Israel, but that visit was canceled due to a labor strike by employees of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Medvedev had earlier planned a state visit to Israel, but that visit was canceled due to a labor strike by employees of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.