San Francisco mayor Frank Jordan declared a state of emergency in the city as the looting continued into the night.
The insect, Tutaabsoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.
The insect, Tuta absoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato-producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.
Governor Bobby Jindal also declared a state of emergency in Louisiana.
A day later, he declared a state of emergency across the northern third of Georgia.
Health officials in Brazil have declared a state of emergency in several states.
A state of emergency was introduced without any great fuss: life was to go on as normal.
Some of my friends told me they have already declared a state of emergency at home.
Arnie declared a state of emergency in 10 counties in California due to the cold weather.
He was then taken to the adjacent police hospital, where he declared a state of emergency.
On Thursday Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat declared a state of emergency at the airports.
All the while, he has refused to declare a state of emergency for Moscow's human inhabitants.
Between the declaration of a state of emergency and the last case, only 141 days had elapsed.
Meaning: the temporary housing built in a state of emergency for the homeless or displaced persons.
RENOWNED as Africa’s last absolute monarchy, Swaziland has been in a state of emergency for the past 37 years.
Tuvalu, a series of low-lying islands in the Pacific, has declared a state of emergency due to water shortages.
Two Italian regions, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, have already requested that a state of emergency be declared.
A shortage of fresh water in the South Pacific saw the islands of Tuvalu and Tokelau in a state of emergency.
My trip had begun at the Oriental, Bangkok, where I woke up to the news that the city was in a state of emergency.
我的旅程是在曼谷东方酒店(The Oriental Bangkok)开始的,早上醒来的时候听见新闻,整个城市已经进入紧急状态。
As of today, we do not believe that the declaration of a state of emergency would increase the flow of supplies.
Mr Abbas, sitting in the West Bank, did not declare a state of emergency until Hamas militants were ransacking his Gaza home.
Musharraf's sinking popularity has spurred speculation that he might declare a state of emergency to smother vocal opposition.
The governor of North Carolina declared a state of emergency in Charlotte and deployed National Guard troops in the city.
"It is a tragic time for California," said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who declared a state of emergency in seven counties.
A state of emergency has been declared in Irkutsk, and Russia's top investigative agency opened an enquiry into the incident.
First up, as another winter storm iced its way from Texas to Massachusetts, Kentucky's governor declared a state of emergency.
Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a string of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang mai have rattled the public.
Indira Gandhi tried something similar in the 1970s, when she called a state of emergency and introduced a forced-sterilisation programme.
South Carolina's Governor declared a state of emergency for Horry county as the state faced its biggest wildfire in more than 3 decades.
South Carolina's Governor declared a state of emergency for Horry county as the state faced its biggest wildfire in more than 3 decades.