Before I could shower, I had a stomach upset and without breakfast it unwillingly threw up some stomach fluid.
Anyone who eats a sandwich or piece of fruit having been tapping on such a keyboard can pick up bacteria that could lead to a stomach upset.
Computing editor Sarah Kidner said: "the shocking results revealed that some of these keyboards were harbouring harmful bacteria that could potentially give their users a stomach upset."
This may cause stomach upset, ulcers, headache, backache, high blood pressure, and in severe cases, this can lead to panic attacks or a panic disorder.
This may cause stomach upset, ulcers, headache, backache, high blood pressure and in severe cases can lead to panic attacks or a panic disorder.
The symptoms vary in severity from a mild stomach upset and rash to anaphylactic reactions and breathing difficulties that can result in death.
The study is the largest to examine the effect of ginger, already widely used as a home remedy for an upset stomach.
At best, too much residual fat in the stool just means a slightly upset stomach and a few more trips to the loo, but at worst in some people it can lead to "anal leakage".
“Stress can upset the stomach, and nausea can be a byproduct of worry, ” says Mandel, who warns against playing “Google MD.”
Her mother came to me with her, and she hoped the children can leave the stomach, and I advised her for a long time, she has been tearful eyes, and her mother next to the heart is also very upset.
My stomach was also upset because the only food I'd been able to force down over the past three days was a bowl of soup and a handful of peanut M&Ms.
Suddenly my headaches and upset stomach disappear when I am working as a volunteer or just simply helping out a friend.
A soothing end, not for the worms, but for Hector's upset stomach.
They are a great product at a good price. I never had any stomach upset, and had a very healthy pregnancy.
Skin rash, upset stomach, and low blood pressure when standing are less common symptoms; if they persist, contact a physician.
Some people have reported mild headaches for a day or two when starting the herb, and some people have reported mild stomach upset.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you're always easily upset.
As a child, my mom had me drink ginger -ale anytime I had an upset stomach.
Ectopic pregnancy also is to should have be pregnant show, it is its dispute is pregnant normally only, for instance upset stomach, during be pregnant, haemorrhage is waited a moment.
宫外孕也是要有怀孕显示的,只是它是非正常 怀孕,比如肚子痛, 怀孕期间出血等等。
Ectopic pregnancy also is to should have be pregnant show, it is its dispute is pregnant normally only, for instance upset stomach, during be pregnant, haemorrhage is waited a moment.
宫外孕也是要有怀孕显示的,只是它是非正常 怀孕,比如肚子痛, 怀孕期间出血等等。