Their risk of heart attack and stroke was 39 percent lower than the group who ate 1.7g a day.
It could be that patients with anxiety are more likely to go and see their doctor when they have symptoms and therefore are more likely to receive a diagnosis of stroke or heart attack.
Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half.
In a separate study, researchers found that the value of markers for gum disease predict heart attack, congestive heart failure and stroke in different ways and to different degrees.
The risk of heart attack and stroke starts to drop immediately after a person stops using tobacco products, and can drop by as much as half after one year.
After invasive procedures, like a tooth extraction, there's a slightly higher risk of a heart attack or stroke in the following month.
A similar mechanism may be behind fish oil’s cardiovascular benefits, since inflammation is associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
But they could actually increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, research shows.
Aspirin produces a 20% relative reduction in the risk of heart attack, stroke or death due to vascular disease, in patients with PVD.
For those keen to look after their health, sugar-free fizzy drinks may seem a wise choice.But they could actually increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, research shows.
The result lights up those arterial plaques most at risk of becoming dislodged and causing a heart attack or stroke.
Waking up early may increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, a study in Japan shows.
The risk of a heart attack or stroke "outweighs any small benefit of weight loss," she said.
The risk of a heart attack or stroke "outweighs any small benefit of weight loss, " she said.
Among others is to reduce stress, a factor recognized as a risk of heart attack or stroke.
Sleeping for less than six hours a night greatly increases the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke, a study has found.
Cutting down on that inflammation greatly reduces your chance of having a heart attack or stroke.
And a new study finds that people who took at least one of their hypertension meds before bed were much less likely to have had a major cardiac event, such as a heart attack or stroke.
Blood pressure is only one of a number of factors that increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, and death.
The result lights up those arterial plaques most at risk of becoming dislodged and causing a heart attack or stroke. A spotlight on disease, as it were.
I eat to increase my energy and to decrease my risks of a heart attack, stroke, and cancer. I eat to feel better, and hey, I eat to look better, too.
A: WHO estimates that more than 17.3 million people died of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke in 2008.
A: WHO estimates that more than 17.1 million people died of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke in 2004.
The findings, presented at a stroke conference in America, showed that 3.4 per cent of the cat owners died from a heart attack over 10 years.
A heart attack or stroke may be the first warning of underlying disease. Symptoms of a heart attack include.
A: One important reason is the big delay — and advantage — women have over men in terms of cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke.
Current guidelines on using aspirin for reducing the chances of a stroke or heart attack rightly warn of the small risk of ulcers and of dangerous bleeding in the stomach.
Some studies have suggested the drug can increase a person's risk of heart attack or stroke and cause some cancers such as lung cancer.
Some studies have suggested the drug can increase a person's risk of heart attack or stroke and cause some cancers such as lung cancer.