One is at the currency level: the Euro, will it continue as a strong currency or not?
The idea that a strong currency has benefits has merit, but only in a growing economy.
A strong currency has exposed domestic manufacturers to fierce competition from imports.
"Under these circumstances it is hard to see why the RMB should be a very strong currency," he points out.
A currency union is as strong as its weakest link, which in the eurozone's case is Greece.
A change in the currency in both weak and strong countries would impose devastating losses on businesses and depositors at home and abroad.
The deluxe model might tell a trader to turn his nose up at a trade with apparently strong returns because of the risk of a currency crash.
Germany entered the single currency handicapped, they say, by a strong D-mark and the cost of unification.
And Washington has adopted a policy of benign neglect towards the currency, despite the strong-dollar rhetoric, in the hope that cheaper exports will make up for the squeeze on consumer spending.
They argue that Asian economies are pursuing a deliberate policy of currency undervaluation to ensure strong export-led growth.
Deliberately weakening a currency while running a strong current account surplus has raised eyebrows in Washington.
That would make Poland a strong candidate to join the euro (if the single currency is still going).
Now, we delivered 13% earnings per share growth despite a $0.10 to $0.11 currency headwind, and that’s compared to a very strong second quarter 2009 base.
As the central bank of the appreciating currency, it is in a strong position to do so.
It is a policy that allows the Indonesian currency going strong, as fighting imported inflation a method.
The currency of choice remains the Chinese RMB as relative to everyone else China is in a strong position.
Experience also suggests that it is best to loosen the REINS on a currency when growth is strong and the external account is in surplus.
This vision setting has features of portable structure , simple control, extensive use-area, strong currency , moreover has a broad applicant perspective.
The Swiss franc is a very strong currency and it has traded sideways to higher during the past week as the euro has declined sharply.
The Swiss franc is a very strong currency and it has traded sideways to higher during the past week as the euro has declined sharply.