It's been very much a collective effort to now be in such a strong position…
Kraft has a strong position in mainland Europe and operations in 150 countries.
As the central bank of the appreciating currency, it is in a strong position to do so.
We are in a strong position as a team and we just want to focus on the short-term now.
His performance against City has helped put United in a strong position in the title race.
Its capital ratio is expected to end up above 12% in the fourth quarter, a strong position.
If you can score points in every race, then you are always going to be in a strong position.
At the cloud's periphery, however, Apple has a strong position, thanks to the success of the iPhone.
The currency of choice remains the Chinese RMB as relative to everyone else China is in a strong position.
The deals put Twitter in a strong position to take advantage of the growing possibilities of the real-time Web.
We can put the enemy who is in a strong position strategically into a weak position in campaigns and battles.
This put financial institutions that were able to combine proprietary and customer business into a strong position.
Obviously Chelsea are still in a strong position, but we've done all we can here today to keep the pressure on them.
Fortunately, Vuitton has since rapidly established a strong position in what it hopes will become another Japan: China.
But those that do should be in a strong position in a severe downturn that is causing companies to scramble to conserve cash.
CPPCC members noted with satisfaction that China is in a strong position to avoid the bleak conditions in some countries.
As such, it is in a strong position to become the industry's DE facto standard-in short, the Microsoft Windows of robotics.
The PET bottle is keeping a strong position in 2012, with significant volume gains in soft drinks, especially bottled water.
Women are scarce in top jobs in Norwegian companies even though they have long had a strong position in the rest of society.
You can't kick the ball out every time a player is down. That's why they changed the rules, and the referee was in a strong position.
However, they also each contain between, digestion, women often demand a strong position in the nation, class ideology rewritten or shelter.
S. needs to be prepared for a change. We need to figure out how we can keep ourselves in a strong position' in crucial areas of science and technology.
For Hargreaves, the Reds' squad has the perfect blend of experience and youth, which he feels puts United in a strong position to hold off Chelsea's challenge.
Stern has already established a strong position in this respect, partly through the prominent commentary of Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics at the school.
在这方面,斯特恩已经确立了重要地位,这在一定程度上得益于该院经济学教授鲁里埃尔·鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)的著名评论。
But French automaker Renault has seized value-branding leadership. And that puts it in a strong position to head off the coming price-based challenge from Chinese automakers.
But French automaker Renault has seized value-branding leadership. And that puts it in a strong position to head off the coming price-based challenge from Chinese automakers.