As the central bank of the appreciating currency, it is in a strong position to do so.
The deals put Twitter in a strong position to take advantage of the growing possibilities of the real-time Web.
CPPCC members noted with satisfaction that China is in a strong position to avoid the bleak conditions in some countries.
As such, it is in a strong position to become the industry's DE facto standard-in short, the Microsoft Windows of robotics.
For Hargreaves, the Reds' squad has the perfect blend of experience and youth, which he feels puts United in a strong position to hold off Chelsea's challenge.
But French automaker Renault has seized value-branding leadership. And that puts it in a strong position to head off the coming price-based challenge from Chinese automakers.
The nonstarters were considered the ones who wanted stability, a strong referee to give them some position in the race, a regulative hand to calm manic speculation.
You need to be able to convince employers that, regardless of what happened in the past, you are a strong candidate for the position and can do the job.
This put financial institutions that were able to combine proprietary and customer business into a strong position.
But those that do should be in a strong position in a severe downturn that is causing companies to scramble to conserve cash.
But if you're looking to transition to a new industry or position, and the hiring manager won't understand acronyms or jargon from your last job, remember to replace that lingo with a strong keyword.
That gives it not only the prime minster position, but also a strong mandate to pass whatever legislation it basically wants.
Besides, she was not in a strong enough position to shape everything as she would have liked.
Without strong Allies in a position to finance the war extensively, it must be considered doubtful whether Japan will decide to overstep the boundaries of Manchuria.
And with its strong presence in the Eurofighter Typhoon programme, all of which position the Company well to deliver a high level of protection for both rotary and fixed wing platforms.
At the cloud's periphery, however, Apple has a strong position, thanks to the success of the iPhone.
The former chief executive of eBay, a Republican, has promised to take a strong fiscally conservative position on the Golden State's perennial budget woes.
Originally launched in 2005, the 360 is struggling to keep up with the Wii, but has remained in a strong number two position for current-gen consoles quite some time.
首发于05年,Xbox 360一直努力紧跟Wii,但目前Xbox这一代仍然在第二的位置上呆了一段时间。
They have a strong market position with leading German equipment OEMs and provide both standard and customized solutions to meet the connectivity requirements of a wide range of industrial customers.
I would say Marcegaglia Group displayed a strong ability to react to the crisis, and this allowed us to regain the position lost during 2009 because of the global recession.
The currency of choice remains the Chinese RMB as relative to everyone else China is in a strong position.
So the application study on electromechanical device based on ergonomics is pushed to the unprecedented and important position as a subject study with strong theoretical and actual purpose.
Qualifying is going to be important because a good grid position enables you to have a strong opening to the race.
Qualifying is going to be important because a good grid position enables you to have a strong opening to the race.