"I once tried to help a woman with heavy luggage, and she gave me a suspicious look, " he complains.
Having a look to see who is inside the car, using an on-board camera, is also possible-a handy feature for suspicious spouses.
Nat Hentoff, a journalist and civil libertarian, says that “under such circumstances even Mother Teresa would look extremely suspicious, especially if her hands were cuffed behind her back.”
Of course, Srivastava might look a little suspicious if he started bringing a scanner and his laptop into corner stores.
(It doesn't cost much more than the train.) Philip gave me a sideways look, as if suspicious about my curiosity: "We prefer to travel along the ground."
In the back of one room, a robot spotted something suspicious: a pink ball in an open closet (the swarm had been trained to look for anything pink).
If an email does lead you to a suspicious website, remember to look at the web address. The address in your browser should look familiar.
But if you don't look into it then you are simply suspicious of a certain hollowness, of a certain emptiness inside. And remaining suspicious, you go on occupying yourself.
But if you don't look into it then you are simply suspicious of a certain hollowness, of a certain emptiness inside. And remaining suspicious, you go on occupying yourself.