As a last resort, or when the gamer cannot get access at all, you can provide a telephone number.
The 39-year-old Australian is said to have provided a telephone number and address when he arrived in the country in October.
The switch's supports policy based routing where specific routing paths are selected based a domain name, a telephone number, and the like.
If you are making a long distance call on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you're talking to. Then hang up the receiver and he can call you back.
Many Chinese people spend a lot of money to get their telephone numbers or car numbers to include this number "8".
You may need to install a separate hotline for text telephone users and include its number in the documentation.
The sample contact-management application stores basic contact information, such as a name, e-mail address, and telephone number.
The application establishes a connection to the agent's telephone and populates the caller's account data (account number, name, and so on) on the agent's workstation.
The best part at thiscool telephone is that it will call to a preset number every time when thealarm is activated and it will detect a moving presence.
Individual words vs. sentences If the purpose of a label is simple to understand, such as to ask for a name or telephone number, then a word or two should suffice.
Sometimes companies will ask you for a telephone interview before a face to face one. This is used to narrow down the number of applicants and is especially true in the following cases.
There are no official figures on the number of beauty outlets in this country of 4.4 million people, but a quick glance through the telephone directory yields at least 3, 000 listings.
These days searching for a number in a five centimetre thick telephone directory seems very old fashioned.
They said: "With the popularity of mobile phones, a growing number of public telephone booth is idle."
The only slightly complex part is the telephone because you need to specify a type as well as the number.
A JOKE doing the rounds in Brussels has Cathy Ashton, the European Union's foreign-policy chief, telling Hillary Clinton she now has the single telephone number so that America can "call Europe".
This is just the latest in a number of purchases Google has made that will enable it to add telephone-style services as part of its suite of products, both for homes and businesses.
Google voice takes a different approach by providing each user with his own personal number that can call any telephone, along with features such as voicemail transcription and call screening.
I lost for one match, then I was asked to ask a stranger for the telephone number.
If you have ordered from us before, online, by mail or telephone, you will have already owned a personal account number.
Never throw away your name, E-mail address, home address, telephone number and other private information in Web files or until you have known him to a great extent.
Before starting off, he had packed several thick clothes, and also a notebook recording some telephone number.
A number, often with three digits, assigned to a telephone area, as in the United States and Canada, and used when placing a call to that area.
The command posts consists of a number of subsystems, including satellite communications, antenna control, video conference, surveillance TV, IP telephone, and power supply.
The number of telephone lines connecting the subscriber's terminal equipment to the public switched network and which have a dedicated port in the telephone exchange equipment.
Love is a telephone which, when you use it for the first time, makes you so nervous and excited that you either hold the receiver upside down or dial the wrong number.
Love is a telephone which, when you use it for the first time, it makes you so nervous and excited that you either hold the receiver upside down or dial the wrong number.
Inthelastdecade or so, the number of Chinese telephone users has increased in a "rolling snowball" fashion.
Inthelastdecade or so, the number of Chinese telephone users has increased in a "rolling snowball" fashion.