It looks like a triangle, because a thick line was used.
Ovals have a bit more freedomm when it comes to brow shape,but the best shape is one that follows the natural line of the browbone and is slightly thick, but well groomed.
Lincoln and the C.O.S walk over a thick yellow line painted on the floor, Bellick moves between Lincoln and the others and tells Michael and Veronica that they can't go any farther.
A thick solid green line around an element and along a wire shows that the element joins a transaction and the wire propagates a transaction.
For the most convincing look, assume the light source to be at the top left of the page - the shadow should simply be a thick grey line along the bottom and up the right edge of your shape.
Ethernet used its cabling as radio "ether" by simply broadcasting packets over a thick coaxial line.
All I can say about this line of criticism is that the hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
The digital camera was unable to cope with the brightness of the main streak and turned it into a thick blurry line.
Kate Hudson’s brows look greaton her face because the arch is correctly aligned with her brow bone and it’s not too thick or too thin and is shaped in a straight line。
To have smoky eyes, you need a thick eyeliner. Use the eyeliner draw a line around your eyelids and smudge smudge it gently.
Behind this bone, the radius - a lower arm bone in line with the carpometacarpus - was unusually thick compared to the relatively slender companion bone, the ulna.
The hands of a loving mother line, wandering onto clothing. Departure thick seam, Italy may delay return. Who made the heart-inch grass, reported a three Chunhui.
“慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”。 。
Thick choc circle line and light brown color make you express a lovely baby cat's eyes.
The above line with black pen with a thick words: the future is lost in the past!
Gun barrel is a thick and hollow part which is composed with three characteristic surface: line chamber, chamber, outside surface.
EXAMPLE: In the company's employee manual a thick black line is used to underscore the most important rules.
The line that play a base must achieve 12 millimeter thick, mask systole to seam hard otherwise;
The line that play a base must achieve 12 millimeter thick, mask systole to seam hard otherwise;