When you develop a throat infection or catch a cold the glands in the neck swell up.
I got a throat infection last week and had to go to the hospital to get some antibiotics as I really wasn't getting any better.
I caught a cold last night while coming hack from the theater. It's a throat infection.
Washington died on December 14, 1799 of a throat infection and was mourned by the nation for months.
The guy’s also been fighting a lung infection and had Nikolay Davydenko not gone throat-clutch in Melbourne, Fed would be titleless going on seven months.
The first few weeks after initial infection, individuals may experience no symptoms or a flu-like illness including fever, headache, rash or sore throat.
Diphtheria is a serious bacterial infection that usually causes a bad sore throat, swollen glands, fever, and chills.
Influenza is a viral infection that affects mainly the nose, throat, bronchi and, occasionally, lungs.
You cannot donate if you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug or any other infection.
The guy's also been fighting a lung infection and had Nikolay Davydenko not gone throat-clutch in Melbourne, Fed would be title less going on seven months.
Whether it is caused by a mild cold or the flu, a runny nose and sore throat are signs of a viral infection.
Replace your brush every three to four months, sooner if it's frayed, and right after you've had a cold, flu, mouth infection or sore throat.
It is best to change the toothbrush every one to three months, or immediately following the flu, a cold, or throat infection.
This is referred to as acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis and can follow a throat or skin infection.
If sneezing is accompanied by itching, it's most likely an allergy, If you have a sore throat or runny nose, but no itching, it's probably an infection.
WHILE foods such as garlic can be the culprit, as can a tooth infection, the most common cause of bad breath (halitosis) is an overgrowth of the bacteria which normally live in the mouth or throat.
WHILE foods such as garlic can be the culprit, as can a tooth infection, the most common cause of bad breath (halitosis) is an overgrowth of the bacteria which normally live in the mouth or throat.