Just for you, for me, enjoy the fun in our youth, then be a tough man step-by-step go.
It was tough talk, coming from a man who had begun the year in a hospital bed.
There have been some tough punishments: one man, David Beswick, was given 18 months in custody for handling a stolen television.
In Arizona, for example, Mr McCain faces a tough primary battle against a dingbat who frets about man-on-horse nuptials.
He must have weighed a good 130 pounds, and he was strong enough to snap with one hand a branch so tough that a man would be hard put to break it with two.
Springer thinks this "macho" vision of how tough a man should be needs to be changed.
It's often tough for young women to find a good man in the modern world, but a French dating site has found a novel way to bring potential couples together.
But as tough as he looks on screen, Jang Hyuk turned out to be a family man at heart.
Is it possible for a man pure and deep friendship with a woman? There are tough questions.
"The old man and the sea" is the best work from Hemingway, different from other novel written by him, this one not only describes a tough guy but also sing the praises of the eternal value of mankind.
A tough Eastern Front veteran, Manteuffel had just been awarded the diamonds to his Knight's Cross in January, the 25th man to be so honored.
Blake, 30, is good enough, experienced enough and defensively tough enough to be a wizard when Farmar, Shannon Brown and Sasha Vujacic have only been the tin man, scarecrow and cowardly lion.
She's a strong, tough person, who in many ways is as strong as a man.
What if he only SEEMS to be this confident, funny, manly - man on the outside, but he's actually a push - over WUSS-BAG that is insecure and makes up for it by acting like a tough guy?
After playing a few small tough guy rolls in such series as the "Six Million Dollar Man" and "Cannon," he gave up acting and switched careers.
How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity as weathers, this gusty temper'd little whiffet , man that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow.
Man, that's sure a tough audience out there tonight! I thought I sounded great but the audience really sat on their hands - I tell you I never want to come back to this lousy place!
It's even stranger coming from Tuleyev, who is otherwise known as a tough, serious man.
A man, should also be tough, and social good and evil people mixed up, full of crisis and temptations, willpower sufficiently dedicated, very easy to be defeated, broken.
They have a very tough game at Man Utd after this and what could be a massive game at wolves to end the season.
But can easily see that this wild man image and its tough, I have something in common with artists, this is very common in the arts and art history, probably the most famous example of a Picasso.
Secondly, there must be a powerful is our market is tough, but just as the two armies-darling, the two armies met, in a brave man, this is a.
When he turned back to the counter that enabled him to serve people in the street, there was a young, tough-looking man standing there.
When he turned back to the counter that enabled him to serve people in the street, there was a young, tough-looking man standing there.