China will now be a full partner in the global trading system, and will have the right and responsibility to fashion and enforce the rules of open trade.
Each participant then received a written apology in which his or her partner expressed remorse and acknowledged responsibility for the unfair trade.
I have taken a new partner, Mr. C., who is well known in the boot trade generally, and who, besides his many years of experience, brings a large addition of capital into the business.
A small portion of women who do not find a partner with all the qualities may trade some characteristics for others.
China is Australia's second biggest trade partner, and already is a major buyer of commodities such as iron ore, coal and copper.
What I mean is that, as a partner in compensation trade, you also have your obligation, that is, to go on purchasing our garments until the compensation is complete.
With a yearly trade volume of 2.3 billion U. S. dollars, China is Cuba's second largest commercial partner, coming only after Venezuela.
With a yearly trade volume of 2.3 billion U. S. dollars, China is Cuba's second largest commercial partner, coming only after Venezuela.