Each of us has a special dream character, a type of person whose appearance in our dreams makes us feel happier when we awake.
But there is a type of person who will go on wavering forever. they are like some crops rice for example which sway at a whiff of wind because of their slender stalks.
If you are just a type of person who gets out of bed when ever you want to, and you never end up getting out, even if the alarm keeps ringing, then it's time you used this tip.
It takes a certain type of person who will bang his head against the wall because you believe you'll find the solution.
People just can't be happy if they are living a life that is contrary to the type of person they are.
If you define a complex type describing a person, there will be many elements in the type, for the name, date of birth, address, occupation, and so on.
Even more, this type of life balance would be a disaster that wouldn't let you grow, wouldn't let you reach your goals and wouldn't let your evolve as a person.
A role is an entity (a person, computer, or any other type of actor) or group of entities that have the same rights and obligations with respect to performing a task or a group of tasks.
We like to pretend that the type of person a minister sleeps with is of no more interest to us than a preference for sheets and blankets on a bed rather than duvets. But that simply isn't true.
A person may join a social group because he or she thinks that the people that belong to this type of group are the same as he or she, whether it is true or not.
If you are a white background, dark text kind of person, then RTM is the type of interface you will enjoy.
And that type of person is so rare as a CEO. Which is part of the mystique and magic of Steve Jobs.
SHERRY TURKLE, the psychologist at MIT who studies the nexus between people and gadgets, believes that the tools of mobility are leading to "the emergence of a new type of person".
A sonic boom is the thunder-like noise a person on the ground hears when an aircraft or other type of aerospace vehicle flies overhead faster than the speed of sound or supersonic.
By comparing the DNA of Japanese with each type, the researchers were able to identify the gene that controls which type a person has, they report in the Monday issue of Nature Genetics.
"A detailed reading of that response, using gene expression data, reveals what type of pathogen the person is reacting to, " Zaas explained in a news release from the university.
But it takes a certain type of person to live on the island [ Galveston] and this is our home," she said.
If you hire subordinates in your department, or if you need a nanny or other help at home, you will come to a conclusion about the type of person you need to hire.
An actor is someone or something outside the system that interacts with it; this can be either a person using the system or some other type of interface.
As you might guess, the sn attribute type is not general-purpose: it is only used to specify the surname of a person.
For example, we might choose to extend our Person example to include a new data object type that contains a collection of Person data objects.
While I could model the notion of employment using a field in the Person type, that's a relational approach and doesn't fit well within the object-design scenario.
Required attributes title for a person or parts of attributes type of an organization within its name such as "IBM" or "IBM Corporation".
Let's start with a basic premise: I have a db4o database in which I have a type (Person) that I want to query based on a set of fields that have certain values in them.
Let's use the example of a Person data object to illustrate the important concepts of Type and Property.
If you're a reactive type of person and are tired of feeling crappy, try focusing your attention instead on things you can actually do something about.
A type of company in which all profits and liabilities are shared by more than one person.
They might just be the type of person who likes hanging around with successful people to make themselves look good which, Cialdini and colleagues demonstrate, describes a lot of us!
Before administering treatment to stroke patients, a doctor must figure out what type of stroke that person has had, because using the wrong drug can be fatal.
Before administering treatment to stroke patients, a doctor must figure out what type of stroke that person has had, because using the wrong drug can be fatal.