Abstract: as a value judgment, social equity is based on the equity of interests.
Moral foundation as a value judgment is to promote economic growth to improve the quality of spiritual power.
Education evaluation is based on educational measurement and makes a value judgment on the results of educational activities.
Audit idea is a value judgment to the society made by audit when it achieved its purpose and function under the certain social environment.
The society is a value judgment nowadays diversification of society, diversification of society to education also put forward new of request.
So, the order, in fact, is a value judgment that is made by the judge after he balances the interests of the applicant and the defendant and the public.
This paper conducts a value judgment on esthetic fad mainly from the angle of esthetics, and points out that esthetic fad has a potential negative value not to be ignored.
Value judgment as well as fact judgment follows the logic rule, so the logical reasoning of "mixed" syllogism is possible. If the conclusion is value judgment, the premise must have a value judgment.
Middlemen add value when they bring taste or judgment or trust to bear on a transaction that isn't transparent.
People's ordinary understanding of the true self appears to involve a kind of value judgment, a judgment about what sorts of lives are really worth living.
That preference went hand in hand with the activation of a part of the brain involved in value judgment.
It seems to implicate a kind of logic or value judgment: there are still some good things, even in the worst age.
One can judge, first – and perhaps this is not a judgment of value, but it is a logical judgment – that in certain cases choice is founded upon an error, and in others upon the truth.
There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action , and the publication of opus is no exception.
The legal structure of law interpretation is a social process constituted of law inference of form rationality, value judgment of value rationality and social identity of association rationality.
Value is a judgment economizing men make about the importance of goods at their disposal for the maintenance of their lives and well being.
For judgment of moral responsibility, realistic consequence is an actual foundation; causal relationship is a logical foundation; the reason of society and history is the final value foundation.
Ideas about education is a kind of rational awareness and judgment of value, which exerts impact on the principal's management of the school.
Besides, a method based on settlement value is put forward as a criterion for face stability judgment.
The traditional theory about contracts is that the contract establishment is a judgment a-bout fact, instead of value, and the contract force takes place only when it is valid.
A method is proposed for improving the consistency of inconsistent judgment matrix based on exponential scale, by the value of compatibility index of logarithm.
In a perspective of economic schools, the paper considers that any economic schools should not be kept away from value judgment.
There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action, and the publication of opera is no exception.
Staff selection, then, appears to be a matter of chance, risk and value judgment, a statement with which many a personnel department would hope to differ.
There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action, and the publication of opus is no exception.
Literary rhetorical criticism promises to expose the secrets how a text makes the given meaning and effect. It is the foundation of textual explanation and value judgment.
The essay will do some research on the book according to the catalogue theory and the works about Pre - Qin Dynasty in order to make a reasonable judgment of the real nature, the value of the book.
Groups represent different social history and life reality generally form different value judgment that adapt to their living environment, As a result it leads to popular culture stratification.
Groups represent different social history and life reality generally form different value judgment that adapt to their living environment, As a result it leads to popular culture stratification.