Controlling the size of mail databases is a vital function of managing an IBM Lotus Domino environment.
He silenced his critics in 2007 when he showed that one of the LINCs serves a vital function in human cells.
So hormones have a vital function in the aspect of disease resistance of the tested watermelon cultivars.
The scooped out parts, fulfilling a vital function in the houses, push back partly the street side fronts.
The mechanism of insulin-resistance is the down-regulation oftarget cells, which is a vital function of self-protection during stress.
If the positive and the negative both realise that the other serves a vital function in the relationship, then the two can move forward as a team.
This article also points out that the method of the reactor of MIC to debug effectively has an important effect. The inverse sludge has a vital function to foster granular sludge.
A common defense of sport hunting is that it serves a vital wildlife-management function, without which countless animals would succumb to starvation and disease.
A whale's muscles and non-vital organs are able to function without oxygen for an extended period of time.
Function point analysis is a vital alternative that allows basing estimates on the more technology-neutral concept of function points.
The emergence of an “élan vital, ” a “life force” was coincident with the emergence of function.
The capacity to learn is an externalization of function, the creation outside the cell nucleus of a new way of acquiring and storing vital information.
All patients had a decrease of pulmonary function with an average of 52% of normal vital capacity.
Maintenance of the complex three-dimensional structure adopted by a protein in the cell is vital for function.
Refinancing is the important function of a stock market as well as the vital way most optimum distribution of resources is realized.
The vital capacity is a breath biggest ventilation quantity, in a sense may reflect the breath function potential power.
BRCA1 protein forms at least three distinct complexes (BRCA1 a, B, and c) with other DNA repair proteins, and these interactions are vital for regulation of BRCA1 function.
BRCA1 forms at least three distinct complexes (BRCA1 a, B, and c) with other DNA repair proteins, and these interactions are vital for the regulation of BRCA1 function.
In Guangzhou, a lung function test on 72 aged people that practiced Taiji for over 1 year showed their vital capacity and other lung functions were better than their health peers.
The Functions of Fat in your dog's Body Fats are vital for a healthy coat and skin, reproductive efficiency and kidney function.
Understanding the behavior of the permeability of the matrix frame as a function of reservoir depletion, is vital to designing optimum stimulation treatments.
Meanwhile, Primordial Qi which is the major components of vital Qi has a lot to do with the maintenance of immune function of human being.
Estrogen play a vital role in reproduction through its receptor (ER), above that, it can also regulate gastrointestinal function.
Third, from a division of ports' function, Shanghai port developed into one of the vital point ports in the Far East, while Ningbo port became the feeder port of Shanghai port.
It is vital, therefore, to bear in mind that when falling in love and choosing your mate you may be making a decision about the rest of your life based on only a fraction of your cognitive function.
It is vital, therefore, to bear in mind that when falling in love and choosing your mate you may be making a decision about the rest of your life based on only a fraction of your cognitive function.