Twirling a wineglass gently creates smooth arcs in the liquid that then circle, coating the sides of the glass.
Danielle gratefully abandoned her wineglass at the table, and sat sipping water as movement and general conversation buzzed around her in a pleasant fog.
You'll find your wineglass gets filled without being put on your bill, or the chef might bring you a sample.
"We have a farm upstate," he says, leaning forward a bit, picking up his wineglass without the least bit of theater or pretense.
Life is the same, like the delicate wineglass, can't afford to the natural disaster strike, the resplendent shattered into pieces on the land, each piece is a transparent heart.
Life is the same, like the delicate wineglass, can't afford to the natural disaster strike, the resplendent shattered into pieces on the land, each piece is a transparent heart.