The wonder drug has helped relax muscles in children with cerebral palsy, and is currently being tested as a treatment for asthma.
With a slight redesign, the drug might work for hundreds of diseases, fulfilling the promise that wonder cures like stem cells and gene therapy have failed to deliver.
A study suggests colon cancer patients who took the dirt-cheap wonder drug reduced their risk of death from the disease by nearly 30 percent.
You mean that new wonder drug that smooths wrinkles but can make you look like a zombie ?
Made from a standard Clockwork Decoy and the Wonder Drug, this little miracle senses when you're hurt and applies the appropriate dosage!
No wonder people say, just kind of fell in love with a man, like a drug... incurable, but have to kind of drug to maintain a normal life.
It's not a new wonder drug but a small silver pendant that you wear round your neck.
It's not a new wonder drug but a small silver pendant that you wear round your neck.