Applicants must pass a written test, an audition and an interview and only the most promising students are accepted to study at these colleges and schools.
To get your first license, you take a written test and drive around the block with an examiner.
In order to pass, the chef must answer a written test then give a demonstration of his cutting abilities.
A written test was designed to test the acquisition of French object pronouns of L1 Chinese, L2 English and French students.
Mr Greenberg has quizzed thousands of people, first giving them a written test to analyse their personalities and then finding out what types of music they prefer.
RC: In North America, mechanics have to get their "Class A License. " Getting the license requires about 9,000 hours of work as an apprentice, completion of college courses and passing a written test.
在美国的北部,汽车技工必须要有“A级证书,”要想得到这“A 经级证书”,学徒工必须在车行工作9000个小时,并完成一定的课程,笔试合格。
There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.
A test script can now be written and run with this test application to exercise the component under test.
When a bug is found after a product has been released, a test is written and verified against all channel builds to see if the bug has already been fixed in one of the channels.
A test case written once in the meta-language can be compiled and executed in any language they have a stylesheet for, ensuring that the same tests are applied everywhere.
As expected, the test case fails-i have not written a trigger method that will handle more than one transition.
A good programmer will always be a great asset to a software company if he or she can test the code written so that different data is presented and the code handles it correctly.
Ari Kivity has written a set of test tools to test the KVM without needing the full device model.
TDD is a style of coding where the desired behavior or specification is written first in the form of an executable example (typically as a JUnit test case).
Since the method under test is written to the interfaces, we can create a mock object for each interface for our tests.
This data is important because it shows which new tests should be written to test those areas of the kernel, leading to a kernel that is more thoroughly tested.
You probably would have written a few more test cases than I did, but imagine if that dubious conditional in Listing 7 had more than one short-circuit operation.
After you've written this test, you might want to try a bunch of different combinations, given that the parameters are the words in quotes.
This course include oral and written assignments, as well as study guides for a map test and final exam.
Then I would even take it a step further and run the test cases, even though I know they will fail because I haven't actually written any of the code for it.
Let's say that you've written your perfect-number finder TDD, and some other group within your company has written a test-after version of a perfect-number finder (an example appears in Part 1).
Because the test framework was so extensive, and because such a large number of automated tests had been written under the framework, maintaining the framework and the tests had become very expensive.
At this point, you might expect that your work is done — you've written a test that attempts to verify a password change, after all.
Even though I haven't written a lick of code yet, it's time to write a test.
For a more relevant test of Psyco, I dug up some neural network code that I had written about in an earlier article (see Resources).
But N-Triples has the advantage of being written into a formal specification, and because of its use in the standard RDF test cases, will probably be implemented by all RDF processors.
但是N - Triples的优势在于被写入了正式规范,而且由于它在标准RDF测试用例中的使用,因此可能所有的RDF处理器都将实现它。
A total of 80125 applicants Sunday retook the written test to select civil servants in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region after the initial exam papers were leaked.
A total of 80125 applicants Sunday retook the written test to select civil servants in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region after the initial exam papers were leaked.