Son: You did; but last night I heard dad say that when a woman says No she means Yes.
Yes, I do believe in energetic stuff like that...I am probably a typical Scorpio-rooster, people could say.
I think I would say yes, but there is a limit to the extend to which we can take that paternalism.
He had a deadpan humor and this sense of himself that seemed to say, 'Yes, I am fully aware that I might be mad, but I also might be on to something.'
By saying, "I understand that you are upset because of 'X, '" you put the other side in a position where the only response they can say is "yes, that's right."
He didn't say, "Of course I will do this," or even a simple "Yes," because such confirmation would have meant that there was an option to refuse, and no such thing existed between them.
To those people who say that the person ought to matter more than the clothing, I would say 'Yes, in a perfect world. One day, but it is not the way it works now'.
Simply that 1% of people, when a stranger knocks on the door wielding a clipboard and impertinent personal questions will say: "Yes, you've found me, I am Gay!"
I say both yes and no. Yes, you are delaying change, but you're managing that change in a more structured manner.
But yes, I hope we do get enough cases, that Mother Nature allows us to see enough genesis cases so that we can say this was a successful mission.
"If my boyfriend asked me now, then I would still say 'yes', but I wouldn't waste my money for a high-profile wedding," Jenny Brown, an employee works in London's central financial district.
And I admit that some of it was simply a knee-jerk reaction that parents too often have: it's easier to say no than yes.
Yes, I can say it's a structuralist idea, but I really believe it because I've seen it in operation.
Yes, I did say there that western medical therapy has its theoretical and empirical basis, so I think that a certain drug can be effective and it works immediate after you take it.
I have to admit that if I'm supposed to be a sociological expert, I can't choose between them. But if I can say could a legislature have enough evidence to think there's harm, the answer is yes.
Yes, I said to Picasso, this means that what I say is not a fairy tale.
So, investigators are going to try to find people who can say, yes, I saw someone with a package like that.
If I say 'yes', Ronaldinho and his brothers (rubs hands) go to negotiate a new contract with Barcelona.
This reduces the idea of interpretive community to a kind of atomism whereby we all concede and all say, "Yes, it's true. I am in a certain sense a community."
Smiling at Matthew, the wizard added, “Yes, I always do say that a fineapple makes a wonderful dessert.”
I think the time is right for someone to put a stake in the ground and say: 'Yes, we should come up with a different model and we should get paid fair compensation for the content that we deliver.
Yes, so I say to them, I tell them if you do not understand, just have a look watch, clockwise to go where where is clockwise, which in turn is counterclockwise.
"I also found that we say 'yes' a lot when we don't understand. I remember once at a brunch, a waiter asked my friend "white or wheat"?
Speaker 2: Well... perhaps you'll be surprised when I say this... but I think there's a real element of skill. Yes. Skill.
Speaker 2: Well... perhaps you'll be surprised when I say this... but I think there's a real element of skill. Yes. Skill.