In 1862, Leo Tolstoy married a young woman named Sonya Behrs.
My maternal grandmother had told me the story of a relative dating from the nineteenth century: a young woman fresh from Ireland a Catholic who'd married a Protestant.
"When a young man and a young woman get married, it's more about the parents giving the bride away," she said.
Trophy wife, a young attractive woman married to an older man and thought of as a trophy.
A married woman is always having a sad discovery: even if her husband is blind, every now and then he tends to cast a loving glance upon those beautiful young women.
A young Indian woman has spoken out about being married to five husbands, all of whom are brothers.
As a young man, I looked forward to meeting a young woman, in love and becoming a married man-that happened.
Three years later, Confucius married a young woman who was from the Qiguan family of the Song state.
"When a young man and a young woman get married, its more about the parents giving the bride away," she said.
A married woman always has a sad discovery: even if her husband is blind, every now and then he tends to cast a loving glance upon those beautiful young women.
A married woman always has a sad discovery: even if her husband is blind, every now and then he tends to cast a loving glance upon those beautiful young women.