A young person may begin puberty at 8, while another may not start puberty until 14 or 15.
There is no age limit at which you can open a bank account, but a bank manager can decide whether to open an account for a child or a young person.
I am just a young person looking for answers to questions.
"It's a virtue for a young person to help the old,"I said to myself.
Face it! As a young person you've got a lifetime of choices ahead of you.
As a young person, I stand on their side, supporting their idea to be a dink.
The group and I feel deep pain and regret when a young person dies like this, " he said.
One of the greatest lessons you can know as a young person is that you don't know a damn thing.
Yet I would rather see a young person pray prayers from the heart than the most eloquent rote prayer.
As a young person, you should be enjoying your youth and not getting dragged in to some huge investment bank.
I have my dream job! As a young person training as an actor, walking on the WB studio lot is a dream in itself.
"And fortunately, he wasn't abused as a young person, " Diane says, "so I've lived to be a ripe old age so far."
Physical abuse involves hitting, poisoning, burning or deliberately causing harm to the health of a young person.
It is a cool experience for adrenaline fans and it can really be something you would like to visit as a young person.
So if you are a young person and would like to experience poverty first-hand, this is an opportunity not to be missed.
A young person in sales can learn a lot if he or she will string along with an experienced salesman on visits to customers.
Even for a young person in employment, a combination of low wages and high rents can quickly see them priced out of the market.
You can imagine a…a young person would be scared of her, you know, her son, because she, you know, she made them 3)toe the line.
As a young person grows up, Socrates tells us, he has an ample opportunity to acquaint himself with the way of life in his community.
The ‘real world’ can often be like a prison, incarcerating you in all of the heavy expectations that were ingrained in you as a young person.
The 'real world' can often be like a prison, incarcerating you in all of the heavy expectations that were ingrained in you as a young person.
If you care about a young person, and that 15-year-old or 12-year-old says, "I'm sort of thinking about a virtual radio station or tutoring service."
Are there symptoms or red flags parents, coaches and others should be on the lookout for that signal a young person is at high risk of sudden cardiac death?
Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training.
Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training.