Both were too reliant on borrowed money, and suffered when their ability to borrow was taken away.
So what banks offer is liquidity - the ability to borrow short even though the loans that are made are long-term .
Japan's addiction to credit was fueled in large part by its ability to borrow from its own institutions and people.
But policymakers would still be right to emphasise house prices because their decline has also limited Americans' ability to borrow.
The value of the peso had been declining precipitously, undermining Mexico‘s ability to borrow money or to repay existing debts.
But many will find their ability to borrow constrained by investors' flight from risk-and the surge in public debt in the rich world.
But there is a fast-approaching limit to our ability to borrow, steal, and print. Acknowledging this reality is not mean-spirited or cruel.
Hitherto, energy-importing emerging economies suffered from a limited ability to borrow, inadequate currency reserves and weak external positions.
Depressed values and tighter credit in turn have reduced everyone's ability to borrow against their houses for remodeling, refurbishing, college tuition or other purposes.
Being the main reserve currency is also useful. America's ability to borrow and to settle its imports in dollars has saved it from paying more interest to finance its profligate ways.
America has a unique ability to borrow from foreigners in its own currency, and wins when the dollar depreciates, since its assets are mainly in foreign currency and its liabilities in dollars.
Given the impasse on the Hill, the occasional Anglophile will ask, could not America borrow something from a system that seems somehow to combine civility with the ability to get hard things done?
Given the impasse on the Hill, the occasional Anglophile will ask, could not America borrow something from a system that seems somehow to combine civility with the ability to get hard thing s done?
The ability of United States — because of the U. S. dollar's position as the main reserve currency — to borrow so easily is only half an explanation.
The ability of retail Banks to make money from those customers who do still need to borrow is also more constrained than it may appear.
Drove around aimlessly, praying for psychic ability, until I broke down, headed to Starbucks and begged to borrow stranger's computer.
Another concern is that tighter credit, by making it harder to borrow debt, could SAP the ability of some larger companies to pay for and acquire start-ups.
As real estate prices plunge, so does the ability of homeowners to borrow against the value of their homes, crimping a major artery of spending.
Without the ability to write well children will be held back at school, in tests and exams, and in later life when they apply for jobs or are in the world of work, "Dr Borrow added."
Without the ability to write well children will be held back at school, in tests and exams, and in later life when they apply for jobs or are in the world of work, "Dr Borrow added."