Exactly, he was a born genius. He was able to read and write at the age of 4.
Yet, in highly literate societies, being able to read and write is crucial in almost every job.
In order for children to read successfully they need to be able to read and write words which contain adjacent consonants.
If you specify a path to a different computer, you must have sufficient permissions to be able to read and write to the target location.
Of course, you have to be able to read and write Chinese, but not on a terribly high level if you have a good dictionary on your computer.
Minimum English Level 4, Preferably English Level 6. Must be able to read and write English fluently. A good oral English should be a plus.
But this method of mine is not difficult. You don't have to study or learn anything. Being able to read and write or not is of no importance.
Even in the new digital media, it's essential to be able to read and write fluently and, if you want to capture people's attention, to write well.
In certain situations, however — for example, when you're working with integers or compressed files — you need to be able to read and write binary data.
With education experience from technical school, college or equivalent level. Able to read and write English fluently and fluent oral ability will be plus.
The participants would have largely been illiterate and even if they were able to read and write it would be pretty unlikely that they would be making notes about the results of the RACES.
This means that while multiple processes and threads can read from the same database at the same time, only one is able to write.
"I was never able to go to school myself, and never learned how to read and write but I do want my children to get an education so that they are not left behind in society as I was," she says.
I have not dreamed of fortune of fame, but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a different in their lives.
Many parents want their kids to start kindergarten being able to read Dr. Seuss, write their names and count to 100.
Even then, employers say that many graduates emerge inarticulate, unable to think critically and barely able to read or write.
I could understand that she was ashamed at not being able to read or write, and would rather drive me away than expose herself.
Well, you wouldn't be able read this and you wouldn't be able to comment or to write anything.
In addition to this, you must have a separate service installed to be able to write and read data from the TM1 cube.
此外,还必须安装一个单独的服务,以便能从TM 1多维数据集读写数据。
Most websites, even those heavy with video content, rely on their users being able to read and-if interactive-write.
You also need to understand XML at least to the extent of being able to manually read and write XML files.
By being able to write and read the Lotus Forms document to the database as XML, you are able to design your logic to be generic and to save any Lotus Forms document to DB2 9.
通过以xml格式向此数据库读写这个LotusForms文档,我们就能够将自己的逻辑设计为具有通用性,并能将任何Lotus Forms文档保存到DB 2 9。
You will write this API using PHP, loading the contents of the config.php file and generating a JSON version that Ext.Direct will be able to read and understand.
您可以使用php编写这个API,加载config . php文件内容,生成一个Ext . Direct能够阅读和理解的JSON版本。
I have not dreamed of fortune or fame, but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a difference in their lives.
One of the conditions for profession was that the novice should be able to read fluently and write correctly.
This past week was about getting to know each other. In doing so, students were able demonstrate how well they were able to listen, speak, read, and write in English.
Be able to read passage about 200 words, and write composition about 80 words.
You must have sufficient permissions to be able to read, write, create, and delete files on the remote site.
By constantly listening and imitating those around him, he learned to read and write in before they have able to use the language.
By constantly listening and imitating those around him, he learned to read and write in before they have able to use the language.