To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty;
Sue Norton is a member of Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation and the Kansas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.
Thus, the innocence cases help the agenda of both those who seek to abolish the death penalty as well as those who merely want a moratorium on executions.
The author believes that the misjudgment and discrimination is a judicial problem and not attributable to the death penalty system itself, so it is not the reason to abolish the death penalty.
As Professor Chen Xingliang said: "Almost all the countries in the world embarked on the road to enforce the death penalty in the same way, but to abolish the death penalty in different ways."
The corporal punishment abolishes difficult and the foreign country after the Chinese history abolishes the death penalty to look repeatedly, will abolish the death penalty to be more difficult.
Last month, New Jersey became the first state to abolish the death penalty since the Supreme Court reinstated it in 1976, reducing the number of states with capital punishment on their books to 36.
To reinstitute the death penalty review (to the high court) does not mean we will abolish capital punishment.
Whether or not to abolish death penalty is the heating problem disputed by the jurists. The core of the problem is the relationship between the humanization of law and the maximization of interest.
The author thought whether the death penalty should abolish, must according to us now the special details to decide.
The author thought whether the death penalty should abolish, must according to us now the special details to decide.