I'm doing a survey about learning English.
I'm doing a survey about learning English.
Does anyone else have any questions about learning English?
Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.
Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.
But here is a secret: Indians are passionate about learning English, but they no longer want to be English.
Second, about learning English, I think laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.
Always the first season is about learning English football and establishing your contact with the Premiership.
To be honest, I'm really happy to stand here and say something about learning English, even if I'm only a beginner of English.
To be honest, I'm really happy to stand here and say something about learning English, even if I'm only a beginner in English.
English is studied all over the world. Now, it is my pleasure to share some of my opinions and advice about learning English with you.
What isn't easy about learning English is to find a good way of doing it. If you can answer the question "What is your favorite way to learn more English?"
I am an English learner, i am crazy about learning English, and I also like speak poor English , because speaking is the only thing that will lead me toward success.
Dear Lilei, I'm glad to hear from you. Now, I'd like to give you some suggestions about learning English. Learn the textbook and check the dictionary before the class.
Charlie: It is very productive for the kids because you get to interact with the kids on a personal level. The kids are fun once they open up to you and are enthusiastic about learning english.
We talk about kinds of things in English and I'm learning a lot about other languages and countries too.
I remember when I was learning English, I felt uncomfortable about speaking.
In fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning English. You can't learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills.
A question about whether they expect to live with their children in old age provokes confident head-shaking among a group of Mexican mothers who are learning English in a Fresno school.
Currently, about three hundred million people in China are learning English, and more than two hundred thousand people in the us are learning Chinese.
For native English speakers who were raised in the United States, learning about the business culture of other countries can help further your career, Wilson said.
In my own experience, learning French at high school taught me so much more about grammar than English class ever did.
From an early age, her mother impressed upon her the importance of learning English, and as Tong listened to Studio Classroom, she became curious about America.
Furthermore, I have learned many great things in this studio about designing, learning methods, operating mode, English oral communication and so on.
Any other comments about English learning you'd like to share? Please write them down here.
Nearly 4b people around the world have learned or are learning English, but only about 400m are native speakers.
Nearly 4b people around the world have learned or are learning English, but only about 400m are native speakers.