It can provide students with instant feedback, including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.
Common questions at an interview include those about your strengths, weaknesses and your interest in the company.
You feel more positive about them, you trust them more, and you have a better sense of their strengths and weaknesses, so you're better able to work and collaborate with them in the future.
Discover your strengths: Do a little research about yourself: ask parents, friends, and teachers what your strengths are.
Ask a question about the job and after the interviewer has replied, answer yourself, linking your strengths and achievements. Reflect your qualities back to the job you are applying for.
Being human is not about being any one particular way; it is about being as life creates you-with your own particular strengths and weaknesses, gifts and challenges, quirks and oddities.
作为人并不是作为任一条独特的路;它是作为生命所创造的你- - -拥有自己独特的优势和劣势,天赋和挑战,古怪和癖好。
Then Cameron will blab again about how it shows British strengths, at the same time as he's slashing funding to scientific research that indirectly ensured those victories.
Speak in a monologue for as long as possible about the strengths and achievements of your province.
It will only take a few minutes and you'll receive a wealth of very useful information about your top strengths.
He says he expects to come to a settlement quite easily, and that one of BP's strengths is its long history of involvement with Russia, which contributes about 10% of BP's profits.
I think I know more about the problems with C + + than just about anyone, but I also know how to avoid them and how to use C + + 's strengths.
We could do a comparison about the strengths and weaknesses of the WOA style of SOA and this X Style.
It is about being as life creates you-with your own particular strengths and weaknesses, gifts and challenges, quirks and oddities.
它是作为生命所创造的你- - -拥有自己独特的优势和劣势,天赋和挑战,古怪和癖好。
You may like to have your character strengths survey results to hand while thinking about these questions.
As ever, do comment below if you found this exercise useful (or otherwise) and also if you found new and interesting ways of thinking about your strengths.
This is not about being big-headed or an ego maniac. This is simply about acknowledging the best of your human qualities, attributes and strengths.
Hurricane scientists, for instance, would like to know about long-term changes in the frequency and strengths of the storms they study.
Small steps in an educational setting that promote and support exchanges, learning, appreciation, and thoughtful realizations about each others' strengths and values are a positive sign.
Talk with someone you trust about which strengths strike you as more authentically associated with yourself.
A life-changing event like a divorce can put people through some tough times, but it can also help them learn about their strengths, and put in place some new coping skills.
Say positive things about yourself and talk about your strengths without confronting the person in a way that might make things worse.
Start to notice what’s great about you, what you do well, or how wonderful you are, and make a point of acknowledging yourself and these strengths on a regular basis.
As a result some people find it difficult to talk, or even just think about their strengths.
But all of that's okay. I've adjusted my own beliefs about my self and my strengths as I go along.
Do you go out of your way to learn about your habits, relationships and strengths?
At a job interview, you are asked to talk about both your strengths and weaknesses.
At a job interview, you are asked to talk about both your strengths and weaknesses.