There is definitely something about this time of year that makes us sit back and count our blessings.
At this time of year, cooking is less about enjoying yourself in the kitchen and more about fitting everything in.
For most of the time, this happens at around the same speed that human fingernails grow - about 16mm a year.
During this time, I thought a lot about Moses' 40-year journey in the wilderness with the children of Israel.
This linking together in turn lets us tap our cognitive surplus, the trillion hours a year of free time the educated population of the planet has to spend doing things they care about.
One of the reasons I chose to share this quote is that at this time of year you start to think about baring your body in a bathing suit.
Quality phone calls, coffees and shopping trips with people at this time of year present chances to bond with those you care about.
'This time of year, when it don't rain, I take about three quid between Friday and sunday-people get their wages Fridays, you see.
This time last year Cabot Circus was the scene of a charity 'flash mob freeze' where participants held poses of their own choosing for several minutes before going about their business.
When VAT went up a year ago only about half of the increase was passed on to prices. This time virtually all of it is expected to go through to prices.
This time of year off the coast of Japan, they would mix with water down 100 feet to 300 feet, and be diluted by a factor of about 100.
We sat down with Dr. D to talk about the most common reason for visits to the doctor this time of year: a wicked cough.
About halfway through this past year, our technology became ready for prime time: we passed the threshold of 90% questions answered, most in under 5 minutes!
But it's something to think about — especially around this time of year, when wise men once again come bearing stock tips.
It is the remnant of a supernova explosion in the year 1054 much more about that during my next lecture and what you see here is not stuff that is generated at this moment in time by the pulsar.
Saturn, the planet that rules your second house of earned income, is about to go direct for the first time this year.
At the time of his death on Thursday November 16th, the 94-year-old economist was still working to spread his ideas about free markets, this time through a documentary for American public television.
In 2007, Mike Loria, the company vice president, brought in a part-time CFO who advised the company to rein in aggressive plans for growth and prepare for flat sales this year of about $9 million.
2007年,该公司的副总裁迈克•洛里亚(Mike Loria)聘用了一名兼职CFO,这名CFO建议公司放缓野心勃勃的增长计划,为今年大约900万美元的表现平平的销售业绩做好准备。
So far, Americans who have filed their taxes have discovered that the average refund is up nearly ten percent this year –to an all-time high of about $3, 000.
"By the time this sauropod was about a year old, we think it would have been out of the range of Sanejeh," Wilson said.
In this new festival time, I on behalf of the company for years to support and care about the company you partner with cordial greetings and wishes in the New Year.
To this day, pretty much every time I see Rip Hamilton, I tease him about how we beat him my senior year on the way to the state championship, just me and a bunch of doctors and lawyers.
Take your time and be open and playful - lots of things are about to change this year, including you and your perspective!
This is also a great time of the year to think about your goals for the season.
Retailers make the most money this time of year, about 20 percent to 30 percent of all revenue all year.
That tells you about the squad strength we have which is important at this time of year.
This year, we've spent plenty of time writing about the latest trends.
This year, we've spent plenty of time writing about the latest trends.