You are heading for a completely different world, now that you are about to graduate from high school.
"You are about to graduate," Miss O'Shay said.
I am getting an uneasy feeling whenever I think about the fact that I'm about to graduate.
I can't believe it's my senior year and I'm about to graduate. I still feel like a freshman!
She's about to graduate from the police academy when McGarrett recruits her to join his team.
It's much easier this time, with Skype and email and a daughter about to graduate from college.
Right out of the blue, seniors about to graduate suddenly become candidates for the Nobel Prize in Absenteeism.
which I am sure is important in some way; going to a new high school when you are about to graduate would not have been my cup of tea.
When I was about to graduate, I made a brief summary of my four years of experience and the harvest, and as a guide for my future action.
Could you or someone from your staff meet with an awesome young person about to graduate from Duke? She is dying to get into the political world.
The bank has been a good image in the social reputation, I am about to graduate, if there is a chance is willing to your company can effect a modest!
Xu Qiushi is about to graduate, and he and some Central China Normal University classmates wanted to document "the most amazing four years of our lives".
The trip left me with a very deep impression. Starting from next year, our school will open the course of Chinese mandarin at grade 6, but I'm about to graduate.
For Liu Kai and Yu Min, about to graduate from Harbin Institute of Technology's Weihai campus in Shandong Province and on a job-hunting trip in Beijing, the indignities are piling up.
Although I was about to graduate, lack of experience, technical got rusty, but I have no one can spend the infinite potential enemy of the mind and filled with enthusiasm in the struggle.
Yahoo's network knows many things about recent high-school graduate Cate Reid. One is that she is a 13- to 18-year-old female interested in weight loss.
雅虎的网络知道很多关于高中毕业生凯特·里德的事情。其中一件是她是一个对减肥感兴趣的13到18 岁的女性。
Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it.
Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives and get a job without really thinking about it.
The Pentagon requests 1, 498 pilots annually to graduate from training here. However, the service is now producing only about 1, 200 pilots per year.
The economists found that completion rates in “payment schools” increased by about a third—but only for girls and mainly for those who needed to do only a tiny bit more to graduate.
To know how to organize the thesis document, you first have to understand what graduate-level research is all about, so that is covered too.
Equally unsurprisingly, only about half end up with the jobs they entered graduate school to get: tenured professorships.
To understand more about how this behavior arises in the boobies Anderson and his graduate students including first author Martina Muller collected data over three breeding seasons.
To understand more about how this behavior arises in the boobies Anderson and his graduate students including first author Martina Muller collected data over three breeding seasons.