They go fishing about twice a week and they always go to the People's Park.
Ashleigh, 22, from Downpatrick, says ‘My favourites are pizza and frozen meals which I have about twice a week.’
I use it about twice a week, but it is definitely gentle enough to use more frequently. An overall outstanding product.
Since 1972, however, Mr. Craddock has been running two to three miles about five times a week, meaning that about twice a month for 37 years he has completed the equivalent of a marathon.
不过,从1972年开始,他每周都会跑上五次,每次两到三英里。 也就是说,在过去的37年里,他相当于每个月都会跑两次马拉松的距离。
Men have the choice to arrange their schedules so they can pick up the kids from school twice a week. And they have the choice not to, and then to feel guilty about this choice.
When you project into thinking about accountability, you might see that watering your flowers twice a week is what it would take to actualize that goal.
He went to cognitive behavioral therapy twice a week, then once a week, for about 18 months.
Before the sudden influx, doctors at the clinic say they were delivering about 40 babies a week. Now it is twice that.
Both groups of exercising volunteers completed three sessions each week for 12 weeks, a period of time that is about twice as long as in most past studies of interval training.
Senior business majors also reported spending about six hours a week caring for dependents, twice as many hours as engineering majors reported.
I swam twice a week, and gained about 5 kgs in muscle.
"At least twice a week we'll have some story about a peasant whose fortunes were eaten by rats, " said Jeremy Hartley, a Michigan native who copy-edits the section.
When people do nod off, 1/3 dream about their jobs at least twice a week - with Sunday being the most common night for office imaginings.
When people do nod off, 1/3 dream about their jobs at least twice a week - with Sunday being the most common night for office imaginings.