Many others have followed, including a new, above-board version of Napster.
When I have something I have to remember (a bill to pay in a few weeks for instance) I put it in a prominent place on the pin board above my computer.
Photo above: I used some old wallpaper samples as a temporary inspiration board above our computer desk and it ended up staying.
And by providing that incentive, the board is explicitly telling the executives what matters above all else — and that is the stock price.
The VIX is well above its post-1990 average, according to the Chicago Board options Exchange, which trades futures and options on the index.
There is also a quote by Odd Ivar Ruud, the last trapper to live in the hut in Hornsund in the Seventies, and whose name is carved on a wooden board above its door.
Rubber boats with British marine commandos on board circled the Montecristo, while a helicopter hovered above.
N why serving is so slow, he says, there is a grilled fish board only in the kitchen, above.
Note that I regard the three most common modeling approaches described above — White Board Sketching, UML by PowerPoint, and Disposable UML — as document-driven development approaches.
Trust has been depicted above, when we build the greenhouse sun room, choose the PC board shall be not very difficult.
So Fantz set up a display board above the baby to which were attached two pictures (Fantz, 1961).
于是Fantz在婴儿上方放一块展板,上面有两张图片(Fantz 1961)。
R: So now any company that sells to the big retailers has to prove they are above board?
因此,现在凡是这些美国零售商的供货商家,都必须证明,They are above board.
The Boeing 737-300 in question was only 15 years old when its skin peeled open along a riveted lap-joint while flying above 34,000 feet (just over 10,000 metres) with 118 passengers on board.
The vertically-built Zep’lin concept features solar panels and on-board lithium ion batteries to store extra energy as it soars up above
President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates.
The Boeing 737-300 in question was only 15 years old when its skin peeled open along a riveted lap-joint while flying above 34, 000 feet (just over 10, 000 metres) with 118 passengers on board.
正在讨论的波音737- 300型飞机只用了15年。当其外壳沿敲平的上端搭接接头剥落开来时,飞机上的118位乘客正飞行在34000英尺(刚刚超过10,000米)的上空。
More than one fourth of educational consumption for secondary professional and above students was spent on living expenses on board.
Tape off rectangles on board, and paint with chalkboard paint as pictured above. This way, you can switch out herbs and change their labels accordingly.
The Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (AEUB) began to extend the concepts noted in the above paper when considering approvals for the underbalanced drilling of critical sour Wells.
Save as disclosed above, all other material matters shall be approved by simple majority voting of the board.
According to the above method will be very quick to judge the damage of the barrier plate in a timely manner to replace the damaged fence board, better play the role of the high speed rail.
Especially EPS foam board, XPS bubble board of flame resistant is poorer, in 80 degrees Celsius above will melt deformation and drop off.
In the current case, there is only one "shipped on board" date, and hence the basic requirement as defined above has been fulfilled.
Flowing down from high above, the cascade looks like a sliding board.
All the passengers, who check-in on board, are regarded as agree to the above notice before buying the tickets.
The College Board Management Decision Information System thus designed and implemented for the above-mentioned activities has already been running well in practice.
Obligate wants to give board expense and the basiccest life above all after sending salary every months required spending.
Very honest and direct about your feelings, you also want loved ones to be open and above board.
Very honest and direct about your feelings, you also want loved ones to be open and above board.