It is thanks to culture that the human species could learn to adapt, progress and raise itself above and beyond other species.
One thing is for certain—Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!
As it lost weight, it started to incline its orbit toward the earth: it was dangerous, above and beyond anything else.
However, a pilot can only choose to fly IFR if they possess an instrument rating which is above and beyond the basic pilot's license that must also be held.
He is so far above and beyond us that He seems almost totally foreign to us.
Our strong corporate governance practices go above and beyond industry requirements.
Must he not abandon both greed and non-greed to be above and beyond the influence of both?
The crucial question is: How can a brand go above and beyond to offer an unforgettable experience?
You should be vigilant all year about asking your boss how you can go above and beyond what's expected.
The moment we determine that customer interaction is above and beyond the call of duty, we're doomed.
Is it because words have become so extraordinarily important and not what is above and beyond the word?
Such reviews are generally used to give a balanced picture of what really works, above and beyond a single trial.
However, a state may pass a law that enhances this federal law, going above and beyond what the federal law offers.
Go above and beyond: Although this might seem like a given, you should always do more than what is expected of you.
“That’s the time wasted above and beyond just being able to make the trip,” said David Schrank, co-author of the report.
Above and beyond performing basic functions, considerate software has the goals and needs of its users as a concern.
When you want to understand what's being said for reasons above and beyond learning the language, learning is easier.
Truly standing out is about going above and beyond the call of duty and not stopping until you hit that eureka moment.
On an x64 machine that would introduce 12,000,000 bytes of overhead above and beyond the size of the tasks themselves.
To explore what determines people’s satisfaction with the health-care system above and beyond their experience as patients.
God is the source of light and life and yet he is above and beyond all these... he is even the atheism of the atheist.
It also provides an API so an arbitrary number of subsystems can add features above and beyond those offered by the core.
These myths go above and beyond walking under ladders and opening umbrellas inside (although those are adhered to as well!
I accepted his apology instead of lopping off his head, and he redoubled his efforts at perfecting our service, going above and beyond.
All of the products mentioned here possess functionality that goes well above and beyond that which is used in an ESB Gateway solution!
Some of these components provide new functionality above and beyond those required by the spec, and some provide enhanced functionality.
Above and beyond the question of the contents of my life, we have to remember that the mere fact that I'm alive gives my life some value.
There's always motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs, in his attitude, a motivation above and beyond wining.
There's always motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs, in his attitude, a motivation above and beyond wining.