Benefited suppliers are not limited in above named industries.
The Seller and the Buyer above named entered into this Contract on the following terms and conditions.
The undersigned representative of the above named Supplier indicates Supplier's agreement to the foregoing.
This Agreement is concluded to determine the rights a nd duties of both parties in regards to the above named project.
The bright dipper stars above are named Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid.
Part of the larger constellation of Ursa Major, the bright dipper stars above are named Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, and Megrez.
Facebook can banish you becauseyou’re wearing a blue T-shirt in your photo, or because it selected you atrandom, or because you named your blog Above the Law rather than Below the Law.
Depending on how you named you connections when completing article 1 (or in step 3 above) your connection name may be different. Figure 2 illustrates how the dialog should look when complete.
Put the page in the directory structure described above: a directory with the same name as the pattern, with a subdirectory named PatternHelp.
Informix server will then generate a file named sqexplain.out in your user home directory which will record the detailed query execution plan and its costs as we talked about above.
然后,Informix服务器将在用户home目录中生成一个名为sqexplain . out的文件,正如上面谈到的,其中将记录详细的查询执行计划及其成本。
Where the third argument in the example above is the process flow data field named CaseState.
Follow the instructions above to create a business module called Requester with an import named Orders.
Save the code in Listing 1 above into a file named and run the program with the command cat us_states.kml | perl
把上面的清单1中的代码保存到名为 的文件中,并且用cat us_states.kml |perl extractStates.pl命令运行该程序。
In the above example, we used numbered parameters, but you can also use named parameters for more complicated queries.
The above expression will create the same effect as the previous back reference example, but by instead using named groups. It is also significantly easier to read.
The Leonids are so named because they seem to radiate from the constellation Leo, the lion, which rises above the northeastern horizon between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., depending on your location.
History records that Akhenaten married both the famous Nefertiti (above) and a woman named Kiya (next photo), but neither of these two women was ever said to be his sister.
In addition to these examples above, MTK migrates procedures that utilize features like positional and named parameters, overloading, and recursion.
So as we stated above in Services are named to maximize consumability, the choice of names greatly affects consumability.
To the east, the aptly-named Peak 6231 has a summit 6,231 meters (20,443 feet) above sea level.
In the example above, the logged database named stores_demo, has been created on the server instance named remote1.
In the above example, you create a new class named MySession to add objects into a session.
The above rule says: match a device which was named by the kernel as HDB, and instead of calling it HDB, name the device node as my_spare_disk.
上面规则意思是:匹配一个设备命名为hdb的设备,把它重新命名为my _ spare _ disk。
In the above example, the SCA property named propertyweb will have a value of WEBIBM and not IBMWEB in the derived component.
The analysis screen displays the result of each term after it has been processed by the Tokenizer or TokenFilter named above the table results.
The above rule says: match a device which was named by the kernel as hdb AND where the driver is ide-disk. Name the device node with the default name and create a symbolic link to it named sparedisk.
Under Domain, click Add named class (es) (Figure 14) and browse to select the ServiceProviderAssertion, created above.
在domain下单击addnamedclass (es)(图14),浏览并选择前面创建的ServiceProviderAssertion。
I've combined the four steps described above in the sample application named StoreAlicePreferences shown in Listing 1.
I've combined the four steps described above in the sample application named StoreAlicePreferences shown in Listing 1.