Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68℃ above the average.
Florida, Nevada, Michigan and Ohio had shares well above the average.
During numerous talented women of Ming and Qing dynastic, Wang Duanshu was above the average.
The army says the profile of its recruits remains above the average for the American population.
People in IT services, architecture and engineering also had depression rates above the average.
The central meaning Shared by these adjectives is. Being notably above the average in size or magnitude.
And the arid region's rainfall levels were above the average of 50 centimeters per year from 2002 to 2008.
According to the report, the average SAT score for homeschooled children is 1,100, 81 points above the average.
Revenue rose 36% to $198.7 million from $146.1 million, above the average $190.8 million forecast of 10 analysts.
Being really happy helps some: Those reporting a 'very happy' adolescence earned an income about 10% above the average.
But, in fact, Americans and Canadians had almost identical scores on measures of assertiveness: a slight notch above the average in the study sample.
Epidemiological studies have shown that 80 per cent of the risk of cardiovascular disease is related to a blood glucose level just above the average.
A wise herd will learn to tolerate the eccentricity of those who rise above the average, and to treat with a minimum of ferocity those who fall below it.
Mortgage approvals for house purchase were a higher-than-expected 120, 000 in June, well above the average monthly level of 107, 000 since the start of 2000.
Share prices are almost four times their level in early 2003. India's price/earnings ratio of 20 is well above the average of 14 for all Asian emerging markets.
For example, many investors may choose to wait until a security crosses above a moving average and is at least 10% above the average before placing an order.
The audience views your MP ability as something extraordinary, belonging only to a select few gifted musicians with intelligence far above the average person.
The analyses differ slightly; in the NOAA version, the 2010 temperature was 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit above the average for the 20th century, which is 57 degrees.
And the ones daydreaming about "pleasant" topics were actually a bit above the average, although not quite as happy as the people whose minds were not wandering.
Conclusion: Male prison staff in the self-regulation mood and using the aspect of emotion performance better, the whole emotional intelligence is above the average.
America's economy limped forward in 2010, but global growth last year was above the average for the previous decade. And that helped sustain a steady rise in commodity prices.
So, not surprisingly, the income of the average farmer is actually above the average of all American incomes, and anyway 74 percent of the subsidies go to the 10 percent largest farm enterprises.
The best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.
The best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.