Absolute humidity is a measurement of the total amount of water vapor in the air at a given temperature.
But they suggest that absolute humidity levels be raised in buildings such as hospitals and medical clinics where the disease most often spreads.
The researchers do not know exactly what it is about low absolute humidity that the flu virus likes.
After reanalyzing these past studies, which also contained data on absolute humidity, Shaman's team found a much more powerful connection.
"One really key question is how much influenza is transmitted in tropical locations" -places with high absolute humidity year-round - "and how this compares to temperate parts of the world," he said.
New US research indicates that the absolute humidity, which measures the amount of water present in the air, is the key to reducing the spread of flu.
A method of calculating air absolute humidity by measuring its relative humidity and temperature is presented, and the calculating equation is deduced in this paper.
The measure of the amount of water vapor in air, expressed as either the absolute or relative humidity.
Simulating the water chiller performance under different outdoor conditions, concludes that the absolute humidity of outdoor air has the most sensitive impact on COP.
According to the absolute humidity to adjust relieves the room temperature fluctuations in the relative humidity change which causes the unnecessary missed operation increasing the power consumption.
Humidity is the quantity of water vapor present in air. It can be expressed as an absolute, specific or a relative value.
Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating.
Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating.