For Schelling, the Absolute or 'World-Soul' is expressed through the dual aspects of nature and mind.
Mind is essentially active in the same sense as the Schoolmen [Scholastics] said that God is 'absolute actuosity'.
The absolute should be practicable. It is necessary that the ideal should be breathable, drinkable, and eatable to the human mind.
With this in mind, having absolute remote control should be regarded as essential to managing a Linux cluster now and for the foreseeable future.
Finally, keep in mind that your abilities have no absolute value to the employer; they're only worth what they can do for the employer this year.
In Mesopotamia appeared a symbolic representation of a tree flanked by two peacocks, which is said to symbolise the dualistic mind And the absolute unity.
It has no absolute relation to wealth, but as a kind of feeling in our hearts it only rests with our own mind.
In order to purify the mind, it is necessary for the body as a whole to undergo a process of absolute purification, not just one type of purification but six types.
Totapuri asked the disciple to withdraw his mind from all objects of relative world, including the gods and goddesses, and to concentrate on the Absolute.
Man was the arch-god of earth. his mind was obedient to serve his will. man's will was the absolute, the only absolute .
The method which the World Planners are using to achieve their aim of absolute control is mind-boggling when one attempts to unravel it.
Died troubles, it is difficult to make their spotless mind, the real people who aloof from worldly affairs does not exist, absolute refined life is absolutely impossible.
To be absolute guest orientated manner and mind, to control on any aspect and to care properties.
Nietzsche's criticism on the absolute opposition between reason and sense in tradition, trying to get back to the healthy mind, is also one part of the transcending thought.
They often view decisions with absolute finality, and don't realize that they can change their mind later.
With these factors in mind, one of the better approaches is to determine the absolute highest possible 'peak' power consumption of a given sign.
True happiness is Peace, a state of mind achieved through perceiving the Absolute Reality and freedom from Desire.
It is precisely these two works reflect his final stage in the life of two alternating state of mind: absolute quiet and complete despair.
Jealous of its own immanence, which it had learned to know better than ever, the human mind overshot its first intention and turned the doctrine of absolute immanence to its own profit.
In the mind yet whisper: This two Lang absolute beings how the absolute being absolute being Dao Dao of.
Thus, one should always bear in mind that absolute dollar economics may not produce good foundation engineering.
"We must keep in mind the absolute need for the surgical and the pharmaceutical," he said. "But with 60 percent of doctor visits stress-related, we have to take behavioral health very seriously."
This year, I'm coming to Hawaii with those memories fresh in my mind and a strong will to do the absolute best I can …
This year, I'm coming to Hawaii with those memories fresh in my mind and a strong will to do the absolute best I can …