Transmission electron microscopy creates images by shooting trillions of electrons through an object and measuring their absorption, deflection and energy loss.
Diarrhoea can interfere with the absorption of nutrients and this can lead to serious weight loss.
During the day water loss by transpiration exceeds water absorption by the roots and leaf water potential decline.
In the thermal medium, the stimulated thermal gluon emission reduces while absorption increases the parton's energy. The net contribution result in a reduction of the parton energy loss.
Screening effect relys upon both absorption loss and reflection loss.
Since periodontal disease results in absorption of alveolar bone, some have suggested that generalized bone mineral loss may exacerbate periodontal disease.
Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going into the sun to allow proper skin absorption and reduce its loss.
Absorption loss due to high harmonics of C-H vibrations, the primary loss factor in PMMA POF, was analyzed and calculated. And the results were consistent with measured datas.
通过对PM MA塑料光纤中的主要损耗因素C -H谐波吸收进行了理论分析,并进行了定量计算,结果与实际测量数据一致。
The core_shell absorption edge of sapphire is studied by using the electron energy loss microspectroscopy.
The reasons for weight loss may be related to gastric digestion significantly reduced the secretion of pancreatic insufficient, poor digestion and absorption factors.
The energy absorption by the working gas, the radiation loss from plasma and the effect of working-chamber shape on the laser-sustained plasma characteristics are considered.
The transmittance loss of laminated glass due to reflection , absorption and scatter of light is reconfirmed and the steps to reduce transmittance loss are suggested in this paper .
The dependences of energy transfer to stimulated emission, non-stimulated emission, the loss in the cavity and the absorption in the triplet etc on the photon life-times are given.
Fiber absorption volume altered according to the change of weight loss, consistent with the changing rule of crystallinity and crystallite size, all supporting the raised hypothesis.
Weight loss method, extraction and absorption photometry were adopted, the measurement results of these means were compared.
4 lower power loss film material has high reflectivity and low light absorption, and low thermal conductivity, which largely prevent solar energy into the room.
The study shows that the main factors of effect on the Se effectiveness in the zone are probably water, soil loss and soil absorption (clay particles and minerals).
The ICS solar heater is designed with respect to increasing absorption surfaces and minimizing the heat loss from the absorber to the ambient.
Microstructured fibers made of silica undergo high loss in transmission due to the intrinsic material absorption in mid-infrared region.
Besides, it effectively maintains fluidity of cement paste and decreases concrete slump loss which is attributed to absorption effect of zeolite to FDN.
Iron is important for the formation of haemoglobin and its loss from the body is normally followed by increased absorption and stimulation of erythropoiesis.
Due to this color loss underwater, underwater photography requires a means of compensation to restore the colors and contrast lost from absorption.
The important parameters for the wave absorption effects are electromagnetic loss factor, complex dielectric constant, complex magnetic conductivity.
The total loss of light is a combination of the amounts due to absorption and to scattering.
Remember not to absorb too much water to prevent water from entering into the absorption motor and causing unnecessary loss.
Embryo loss occurs when there is death of embryos followed by absorption, or expulsion.
胚胎损失通常发生在有胚胎死亡时,经常是伴随着流产或娩 出。
Moreover, the metal powder grader can avoid the oxidation, moisture absorption and agglomeration of powder and reduce loss.
Moreover, the metal powder grader can avoid the oxidation, moisture absorption and agglomeration of powder and reduce loss.