Mental intervention has good effect to cultivate self-esteem of abstainer.
Objective: to investigate the effect of mental intervention to elevate self-esteem of abstainer.
I was reading the answer up to the point where the author listed Canada as an abstainer then I stopped reading.
He is practically a total abstainer and I can affirm that he sleeps on a straw litter and eats the most Spartan food, cold dried grocer's peas.
Perhaps this is the flip side of being an abstainer , but I've found that if I'm trying to make myself do something, I do better if I do that thing every day.
How does Socrates answer these charges of, in a way being not just an abstainer but he kept putting his own private moral conscience or integrity over and above the law?
How does Socrates answer these charges of, in a way being not just an abstainer but he kept putting his own private moral conscience or integrity over and above the law?