Over time, colleges and universities have built sturdy walls and deep moats around their academic city-states.
There is a vibrant cultural and artistic life in the city, a myriad of opportunities both academic and social, and a plethora of places to eat and have fun.
The school student paper, Yale Daily News, also raised the perceived lack of academic freedom in Singapore schools to argue against Yale’s expansion in the prosperous city state.
The school student paper, Yale Daily News, also raised the perceived lack of academic freedom in Singapore schools to argue against Yale's expansion in the prosperous city state.
The first part is preface which elaborates the form of modern city, the concept of municipal administration, the academic value and practical significance of this thesis .
Located in National University of the city, has a strong academic atmosphere, advanced teaching facilities and equipment, excellent teachers and management.
In the territory of Jiangxi Ganzhou City, the Hakka people circular house has unique style and extensive residential contents, and caused widespread interest in the media and academic culture.
Cooper Square, the school's academic hub in New York City, is a certified LEED PLatinum building.
Therefore, learning Beijing, academic Beijing and scholars' Beijing should become a new sign of world city and be an important mission of education in the new historical period.
The beautiful environment and the refined architectural cliff carving in Tangya Tusi Chieftain City are of great academic value and realistic significance.
City museum as a cultural oasis has always been the focus of academic research. However, the study done from the perspectives of urban planning and management are still weak.
Urban design is an academic domain, which was paid much more attention in city planning and design domestically and overseas.
From the whole city, it's an academic and practical question which must be discussed and solved quickly.
Academic preparatory school in current the city of London and diplomas is constant with the high class diploma course.
The beautiful city of Oxford is famous for its academic and literary tradition, but these are only a part of what the city has to offer.
Schools, community educational institutions and academic research institutions of all levels should sponsor the educational associations of township (city or district) they are located in;
The facility will bring together academic scholars and the business community, while re-connecting the university physically and visually with the city of Paris.
So, the research on modeling brand of city news has profound meaning and academic value.
It is that how "city village" transforms into the true city community becomes the question which the academic circles widely discussed.
City museum as a cultural oasis has always been the focus of academic research., the study done from the perspectives of urban planning and management are still weak.
Found that medium-sized city in the middle class people sports and leisure consumer field with their academic qualifications, age, consumer identity, social status, have great relevance;
Found that medium-sized city in the middle class people sports and leisure consumer field with their academic qualifications, age, consumer identity, social status, have great relevance;