A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine.
America's menu of options—research universities, state institutions, private liberal-arts schools, community colleges, religious institutions, military academies—is unrivaled.
Inside the academies, science takes centre stage.
Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.
to guide related associations and academies.
Universities can comprise faculties, academies of arts or departments.
Almost 130 science, engineering and medical academies worldwide are also involved.
This triggered a period of research and development in the universities, or academies.
There are universities, academies, and institutes, conservatoires, higher schools and higher colleges.
But on September 1st Mr Gove said that just 32 schools would be switching to academies at the start of term.
但据Mr Gove称,至9月1日,只有32所学校在新学期之初能转型为院校。
The national academies are becoming ever more querulous and greedy, and require higher pay-offs each year.
Previously, Hallie worked as the Director of New Media at the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academies.
Instead, Charlton went into business, successfully, and also founded a number of football academies for youngsters.
More responsibility was transferred to professional clubs, which were required to improve their in-house academies.
Mr Gove invited all schools rated “outstanding” by inspectors to become academies. Some 900 expressed an interest in doing so.
MrGove 呼吁所有教育监察考核为“优秀”的学校转型为院校,大约900所学校有所回应,表示有兴趣。
A review by the world's premier scientific academies will help to boost confidence in the competence and integrity of the IPCC.
There has been a slower trickle of “free schools”, entirely new state schools with the same operational freedoms as academies.
The Indian academies are gearing up to be more active inpolicy-making and could accord high priority to policy-oriented initiatives.
Teams have also had to increase their expenditure on security to ward off a wave of attempted armed robberies of their local academies.
It also runs 133 Cisco Networking Academies across the country, training engineers in use of its technology. It plans to increase this number to 300.
According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies in America it will reduce exposure to dietary pollutants that are carried in animal fats.
They have the same legal status as academies and do not have to follow the national curriculum, giving them more freedom than local authority schools.
They have the same legal status as academies and do not have to follow the national curriculum, giving them more freedom than local authority schools.