Its construction activities from equipment procurement start and involves installation, commissioning, operation, completion acceptance stages, until meet use function or normal production so far.
Using system acceptance criteria as a basis for eliciting and documenting requirements in the early stages gives team members a great deal of control.
I passed through the stages of grief that follow a breakup: denial, anger and depression. But not acceptance.
And she posited that the dying underwent five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Back in the mid-twentieth century, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross identified the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance - and they stuck.
She also said that people often cycle back and forth through a number of the stages before coming to the stage of acceptance.
It is discussed how to control the cost of a project in its various stages from the beginning of design to the cheeking before acceptance.
Three stages of drivers' discretionary lane changing behaviors are modeled to characterize the demand generation, gap acceptance and execution of lane changing, respectively.
The Function Tests for Electrical System and Control Operating System in"Mechanical Equipment on Stages-Acceptance Test Procedures"and the Implementation of the Check and Acceptance;
The Function Tests for Electrical System and Control Operating System in"Mechanical Equipment on Stages-Acceptance Test Procedures"and the Implementation of the Check and Acceptance;