The exporter may take the accepted bill to a discount bank before the maturity if he is in urgent need of the amount of money.
On the other hand, if the exporter does not want to wait for payment of an accepted bill of exchange, he can discount (sell) it at a discount house.
The people knew he opposed Clay's bill. If he accepted it, the people would feel that Clay was the more powerful.
And in Accra, Ghana, I was bargaining for a mask and thought the shopkeeper would burst into tears because I had no more cedis (he accepted my final offer of every bill I had).
The indorser of a bill, by indorsing it engages that, on due presentment, it shall be accepted and paid according to its tenor.
Requests to split the bill will be viewed as a polite gesture, but won't be accepted.
You have read and accepted the articles on the back of the bill, if signing.
A generic auto bill of sale form will not be accepted in these states.
Where a foreign bill has been accepted as to part, it must be protested as to the balance.
When the shipment is consignee paid, you may choose to bill the service fee under your IMP 96 account. 3rd party IMP payment is not accepted.
Where a bill payable after sight is accepted for honour, its maturity is calculated from the date of the noting for non-acceptance, and not from the date of the acceptance for honour.
When a Bill is accepted generally, presentment for payment is not necessary in order to render the acceptor liable.
Once we solve the security problems of the note right, the blank bill can be accepted by the law.
一旦票据权利的安全性问题得以解决,空白票据 便可以被法律 所接受。
If the bill, or accepted or endorsed, carrying the date, unless the contrary is proved, each the date shall be regarded as the true date of the ticket, endorsement date or acceptance date.
If the bill, or accepted or endorsed, carrying the date, unless the contrary is proved, each the date shall be regarded as the true date of the ticket, endorsement date or acceptance date.